For Valentine’s Day, I bought my wife a traditionalist Nanok, which is a highly popular indoor plant for her leaves with white, pink and green stripes.
A week later, she was still saying about this beauty, which has been named the popular name of Fantasy Venice, who is inviting the striped shirt of Gondoliers – instead, apart from showing just blue and white or red and white straps, as seen on the Gondolier shirt, the fantasy venis have some strips in the fantasy venis, which are some different colors, which are somewhat colors, which are somewhat colors, which are somewhat colored. Are. You can find Tradescantia Nanouk for sale from many vendors in Etsy.
My wife’s enthusiasm for fantasy venis comes from the fact that, as a potted plant, it will clearly last longer compared to the flower vase and will continue with a compelling color performance for some time. However, it should be noted that this plant must be exposed to the daily dose of bright light to keep its color, in general. In other words, if you place fantasy venis as a centerpiece on your dining room table, where the distance from the nearest window is one or more, the leaves will eventually fade in green.
Tradescantia is a member of the spiderworte family of plants. Spiderworts are named because when their stems are cut, a sticky substance is secreted in threads, which when dry, is the stability of the silk thread of a spider web. “Vort” is an old English word which means “plant,” Route “obtained from an old germic word. More than a hundred plant families have “vort” as a suffix, such as liverwort, lungwort and bladderwort.
Tradescantia is the most famous species of genus inch plant (tradescantea zebina) with burgundy and silver bands on its leaves. It is often seen in hanging baskets and is popular enough as an indoor plant. Yet fantasy venis and inch plant will never grow in the best versions of their own until they are limited to containers. These two plants simply do not have to get out of the pot or hang below the suspended basket in the air. Limited to containers, their stem begins to grow longer with gaps between the leaves. Yes, you can keep them symmetrical to some extent by constantly closing your shoot tips, but your discovery to keep them compact will never allow them to grow more than one leg in height, and they will see unnatural stunts as a result.
Fantasy venice and inch plant are the most difficult meanings of the ground, their stems are roots because they crawl on the surface of the Earth, which grow in their tropical habitat. They are sensitive to frost, therefore, they are not growing in an internal courtyard or under trees, where they are protected from cold, they are likely to die in a cold snap. They will develop as a wonderful ground cover in shade from now on from November and cover a broad area during that time, but before the weather cools down, take cuttings, which can be easily contained indoors in the rapid drying soil or, for that case, for that case, in a glass of plain water.
Mexican natives are white velvet (tradescantea syntautana), a high-drought-tolerant followed spiderworte species that crave fast flowing soil and good light. Its haired leaves insulating it with heat heat, it is not particularly water-seeded, and its small pink flowers are an unexpected bonus. Blue Spiderworte (Camelina Coilstis) is a tier perennial with unmatched turquoise flowers. It is less than two feet long and spreads in a clump eighteen inches wide.
Tradescantias may look delicate but, under the right circumstances, are incredibly durable. The oldest bandh in the world, plugged Terrium was built in 1960 by David Latimer, who lives in a village in southern England. In 1960, he planted some spider seeds in some manure in a 10-gallon bottle. The plug of the bottle was drawn to add a little water in 1972, but it has since been sealed. The plant perfectly fills the bottle with its dead leaves, eventually falling into the soil under the bottle where they decompose in minerals that are recycled in newly expanded leaf.
We will rim in leaving the subject without mentioning the common spiderworte (Camelina Communis), which is usually classified as a week. However, this is a bitter battle to remove it completely, I should confess to stop and retreat, every now and again, just, my rape ground cover to praise the enemy’s beauty.
It is also known as the Asiatic Deflower, as it is a native of Southeast Asia and China and has the last one day until its bloom, the floral splendor of this ground cover is evident until it falls from summer. Priceless with any kind of insects, its only slavery is the cold weather, which turns it into a Mur. The Asiatic Deflower is considered a weed because its tendency suddenly appears as an unwanted guest, undeclared and unplanned in the beds of moist flowers. You see a small piece growing it and barely pay it to any brain, after a few weeks, it has smooth everything in the surrounding area. It propagates itself with seeds, tubers and stem pieces, which if a planter is scattered on the surface of the bed, then wherever their nodes – where the leaves meet the stems – touch the earth.
Nevertheless, a recent experiment with a deflower fungus achieved a promising result when it comes to biological control of weeds. A researcher noticed that a certain declover species had leaves that had blurred with a leaf spot fungus. The infected leaves were taken to the laboratory, where the fungus was extracted and cultured until a sufficient amount of production was produced for spraying on the spreading day. Through the use of fungal sprays, significant control of the deflower was obtained.
Although this product is not yet available for commercial use, it is advisable to assume that such products will be part of our future. Pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and micro insects (known as nematodes) that feed leaves, roots, or seeds, are also introduced as organic control agents for some weeds. Such microbes have also been used to control pests.
California of the Week: Coffeeberry (Frenum/Ramnas California) is one of the most shadow-tolerant California native bushes-although it can also grow in the Sun. It will reach 15 feet in height, on the basis of farming, or less to four feet. It is a useful selection for a dense, evergreen hedge. Coffeber Fruit – Green to yellow to yellow to red to purple to black color – is seen on coffee trees and its seeds, even similar to coffee beans. However, while fruits or berries from the tropical coffee tree have two seeds (which we call legumes) per fruit, California coffeeberry has three beans or seeds per fruit. Once it is installed in the garden, coffeeberry does not require water other than winter rain. Its lifetime is 100 to 200 years in its woodland and Chapral houses.
If you have a tradescantiya story to tell, please send it [email protected]Your questions and comments, as well as gardening questions and gardening tips always welcome.
Editor’s note: A picture of the Tower of Jewels (Ichamm Wildpretty) was attributed to me in the error in the last week’s column; Photo Credit should have been