Wendy Williams diagnosed with same form of dementia as Bruce Willis – Daily News

By Anthony Mekartney. AP entertainment writer

Los Angeles – Former Talk Show Host Wendy Williams is diagnosed as a dementia of the same form, with actor Bruce Willis, on Thursday, in a statement issued by his caretaker.

The statement said the 59 -year -old primary progressive covenant and the diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia have already presented significant obstacles in Wendy’s life “and have behavior and cognitive effects.

“Wendy is still able to do many things for himself. The most important thing is that she maintains the spirit of her trademark and needs to ensure that she is ensuring that she is preserved and needs to address her needs. She is appreciating many types of views and best wishes, which is being sent to her, ”in the statement, her care team said.

The statement on Williams’ health was released on PR Nuswire. A representative listed on the release, Jennifer Hanley referred to the statement back on the statement when contacted by the Associated Press.

The announcement was made after a day when a cover story in People Magazine quoted Williams’ family about the nature of his struggles, which was ahead of a lifetime documentary set to air on Saturday.

“People who love him cannot see him,” people said to Williams’ sister Wanda. “I think there is a big (question): how do we reach here?” The family said that a court was the only person with unfit access to the legal guardian Williams appointed by a court.

The article stated that the lifetime documentary crew, which was scheduled for the return of Chronicle Williams in 2022, stopped filming in April 2023, when his manager “and jeweler” would say in the footage for the film Wil Selby, he entered a feature to treat “cognitive issues”. His son said in the documentary that the doctors had linked his cognitive issues with the use of alcohol, people said.

Her family told people that they do not know where she is and she cannot tell her herself, but she can call them.

The Association for Frontotemporle Di Zonation has described FTD as a group of brain disorders, which affects behavior, language and movement due to the inflation of the brain and/or temporary lobe. Aphasia, a brain disorder that can cause problems in speaking or understanding words can be a symptom. The association has described the frontotemporal degeneration as “an indispensable decline in work”, with an average life expectancy of seven to 13 years after the onset of symptoms.

The association was involved in the disclosure of Willis’s diagnosis in February 2023, hosting a statement posted by the actor’s family.

There is no treatment to slow down or prevent the disease, but some intervention can help manage symptoms.

Thursday’s statement received Williams to care and expertly to Wel Cornell Medicine in New York. Wayle Cornell refused to comment.

Williams gained fame in the part due to his no-boundary approach to his life, including his health, plastic surgery and personal details about cocaine addiction-the theme of his 2003 memoir, “Wends Got the Heat.”

A hallmark of “The Wendy Williams Show”, who used to compete with the show of Ellen Digenres for the audience, was its signature phrase, “How you din”? ” He infection for television after a successful career as a radio host, known for Hot, slant of Gossip and Celebrities, including a controversial 2003 interview with Whitney Houston.

In 2022, Williams’ self-examination day talk show was abolished due to his ongoing health issues. Sherri Shepherd, who filled her as a guest host for Williams, received her own show.

Williams stated in 2018 that he was diagnosed with graves disease years ago, which leads to overproduction of thyroid hormones and can cause extensive symptoms and affect overall health.

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