Hague, Netherlands (AP) – The United States said that the United Nations top court on Wednesday should not issue an advisory opinion, which says that Israel should “immediately and unconditionally withdraw” from the areas asked for the Palestinian state.
Richard Visk, a legal advisor to the Acting State Department, said that the 15-judge panel of the International Court of Court should not demand a long Israel-Filistini conflict for decades, “through a advisory opinion addressed to the questions focusing only on the functions of a party.”
Visk spoke on the third day of the court on the third day of the hearing in a request on the validity of Israel’s policies for a non-negotiable advisory opinion by the General Assembly for a non-negotiable advisory opinion.
He said that the court “can address its first questions within the framework established within the parameters established within the criteria established within the established principles for peace theory.”
Visk said that in the opinion of the court, “the parties will have the results and for the ongoing efforts of those working to achieve sustainable peace.”
Earlier this week, Palestinian External Affairs Minister Riyad Malki called upon the court to maintain the right to self -determination and declare that “Israeli business is illegal and would have to end it completely and unconditionally.”
The idea of land for peace has been the cornerstone of American -led diplomacy for decades and was the basis of David David Agreement between Israel and Egypt, in which Israel withdrew from the Sinai Peninsula in exchange for peace and recognition.
The same principle has been applied to the Israeli-Filistini conflict, but the peace process has come to a standstill repeatedly due to Palestinian attacks, expansion of settlements in the Israeli-occupied area, and the failure of the final borders, Jerusalem and Palestian refugees to agree on the disability of both sides such as the disability of both sides.
The American argument in the world court came a day after Washington, when the resolution of an Arab-supported and widely supported United Nations demanded an immediate human ceasefire of the Israeli-Hamas war, which was said in the Gaza Strip, saying that this militant would intervene in a deal on a deal to liberate the hostages organized for the Pelistinian group.
The 15-Voting in the 15-Security Council was 13–1, in which the United Kingdom was banned. This reflected strong support from countries around the world to end the war, which began when Hamas militants invaded Southern Israel on 7 October, killing around 1,200 people and took around 250 others hostage. Since then, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, more than 29,000 Palestinians have died in Israel’s anti -retractor military aggressive, stating that the vast majority were women and children.
“Hamas’s attack, hostage and other atrocities, ongoing enmity and the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza and the violence in the West Bank strengthens the United States, which resolves to achieve a final peace that includes a full feeling of Palestinian self -reliance,” said Vicak.
Visk’s comments were made before Wednesday by representatives of Colombia, Cuba and Egypt condemning Israel’s policies. With Palestinians, a total of 51 nations and three international organizations are scheduled to speak at hearing. It will take months for the court to issue its non-negotiable advisory opinion.
Palestinians argue that Israel’s open-ended military business has violated the regional victory and prohibition of the right to self-determination of Palestinians, and has implemented a system of racial discrimination and apartheid.
On Tuesday, South Africa argued that Israeli policies are the amount of apartheid against the Palestinians and the Israeli land sought for the Palestinian state is “naturally and fundamentally illegally”. Israel dismisses such claims.
In a written submission filed last year, Israel argued that the questions made in the court have been prejudicated, “ignore Israel’s rights and duties for the safety of their citizens,” to overcome the safety of Israel or to accept the previous agreements with Palestinians “to accept the permanent conditions, security arrangements, and borders of the area.
Israel captured West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem and Gaza Strip in the Middle East War of 1967. Palestinians searched for all three regions for an independent state. Israel considers West Bank a disputed area and says that its future should be decided in talks.
Israel has also built settlements at West Bank, many of which are fully developed by suburbs and small cities. Settlements are houses for over 500,000 Jewish settlers, while around 3 million live in the Palestinians region. The international community considers heavy settlements illegal.
Israel has also annexed East Jerusalem, which is the home of the most sensitive holy sites in the city, and considers the entire city as its capital. The attachment is not internationally recognized.
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