Hinton, W.VA – Interpretation of National Park Service Head Ev West says that the journey number within the Bluestone River district of New River Gorge National Park coincides with a 53% increase in a directly added trail counters.
After the new meeting numbers of the park service released for 2023 years, the Bluestone National Sightsee river saw the biggest growth in 2022 after leaving 14,000 visitors, which exceeded 21,000 last year.
West said that last year also, he added two trail counters in the area, in a bluestone state park and in a trump-lily farm, both in Hinton.
Eve West
He said that before the counters, they were not being accurate to read one on the numbers coming in the park.
“We were just receiving them from the people coming to the Pipstame Side when people used to ride the tram, and there were numbers we were using tram numbers, but we have three entrances in the park and so we were missing two-thirds of entrances,” West said.
West said that trail counters represent one of the most working methods with the designation of National Park, but they are also doing so through new performances, programming, providing other additional resources to provide other additional resources to increase education about the park.
“We are definitely taking full advantage of the fact that we have the opportunity to spread the message of National Park Services, which is to preserve and preserve these natural areas, and so we take full advantage of it, as much as we can do as little as we can,” West said.
He said that both the Bluestone and the Gauli River National Recreation Area of Bluestone and the National Park are expected to start growing even more after the implementation of new, interactive demonstrations that have come to the Canian Rim Visitor Center in Fayet County.
“I think we are seeing an increase in those numbers over the next few years because people become more aware of those park sites,” West said. “Many people come here and travel and simply know about the new river, they do not know about the other two national park areas.”
It follows a series of renewal at the center of visitors starting in January. This reopened on Saturday, 2 March.
The new demonstrations include orientation for all three main sites within the National Park -Uttar Pradesh, Gauli River and the new River Kanta. They help to facilitate education on many features of each site offering from geological features to plants and animals as well as entertaining opportunities.
West said that educating people coming to the park on these subjects and increasing the journey and maintaining and maintaining.
“You know, just trying to get the message out how special these places are and how qualified they are of our safety,” West said.