The U.S. should continue to aid Ukraine, but with robust accountability measures – Daily News

In his book The World Is Flat, Thomas Freedman wrote that “the world is a mutual economic integration, which reflects ideological and political differences, and no player will dare to endanger that system.”

Then there was an attack on Ukraine in Russia, which is not one of the NATO countries. America has no obligation to defend America. But for many logical reasons, American taxpayer’s money is being sent by Arabs in the hope that it can help protect Ukraine from Russian aggression.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine’s sovereign state is a significant challenge for the dedication of the international community to maintain a global order.

Most of the world seems to be a beacon of the US as a beacon of freedom, and the reaction of Vladimir Putin’s attack on the President who Biden’s sovereign kingdom Ukraine has shown a strong leadership. He has helped Ukraine to be able to defend himself.

But the Congress is divided on whether US financial assistance continues or has to implement the price tag on it. The Senate cast 70 to 29 votes to approve the emergency National Security Funding Package, including $ 60 billion in war aid for Ukraine, with funding for Israel, Taiwan and humanitarian aid for Gaza.

Eighteen Republicans supported the law after former President Donald Trump, a leading Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election, criticized the bill on social media, saying that foreign aid should take a loan as a loan.

Although I am not a fan of Donald Trump, I should agree with his stand. This approach makes sense for many reasons. My birthplace serves as a case in Afghanistan, point.

During the last 20 years, the US laid billions of dollars in Afghanistan to support Ashraf Ghani’s US-American government, and all this was ruined when we eventually saw the terrible fall of the Afghan government in August 2021.

An important factor was a lack of monitoring and accountability in Afghanistan and the US, resulting in the waste, corruption and insufficient maintenance of the US, as a result of the waste, corruption and insufficient maintenance of the US, I knew this because I was there, working as a interpreter for the NATO/International Security Support Force, during and later.

We saw the lack of supervision, which enabled the money of American taxpayers to end the corrupt Afghan military and civil officials’ accounts. I remember in several meetings between American and Afghan Army officials, Afghan commanders complained about soldiers and subordinates and even talking back to them, highlighted the notion that they are paid by the Americans rather than the Afghan government. Why should the Afghan rank and file follow their Afghan commanders? This mentality entered the battlefield and lack of progress on low morale.

The belief that the US should provide military equipment, air shelters during the war, and should pay for various expenses, eradicating its uniqueness of the Afghans, and they depended on the Americans.

The Ukraine army could not escape the same landscape; This is what I call a curse of free-for-all fatigue or dependence. Some Ukraine officials already allege financial assistance in their private accounts, and many top Ukrainian authorities were fired in the biggest upheaval in the government of President Volodimir Zelansky between a corruption scam in the biggest turmoil as Russia’s invasion began 11 months ago.

I am not arguing that America should not help, rather it is that they should help with accountability. It should be mutual.

Sen Kevin Craermer (RN.D.) said, “I mean, why shouldn’t Ukraine be rich in things that we need as an independent country, or for that case, why will we not provide the Russian property we have, why will we not provide the American taxpayers to compensate for generosity/” ”

Another option, as written in the Max Boot The Washington Post, first estimates Ukraine an estimated $ 300 billion in frozen Russian property held in the west, mainly in a Belgian Clearinghouse. The European Union and a group of seven recently agreed to send profits from Russian Holdings to Ukraine, which could be $ 4 billion this year. But sending the entire amount to clarify Putin does not pay aggression – literally.

Trump is right to say that Europeans should also help themselves, and their call is gaining momentum. We should help Ukraine as it wants to be free and join the Western world. They do not want to be in the constant fear of getting ahead of Russia.

Until the Congress passes the supplementary funding request of the Defense Department, Ukraine will not be able to defend itself against Russian aggression, a senior defense officer told the news media this week.

If we send military Aidwe, we will spend some billions of dollars to invest in peace and security for the future. There are people who argue that American aid in Ukraine only acts to prolong a fatal struggle, already the price of both sides is the number of hundreds of thousands of casualties. But keep in mind that appeasement is not the right policy. As Winston Churchill said famous, “An appellant is the one who feeds a crocodile, hopefully it will eat her final.”

Helping Ukraine is a winning position. This is an investment in the future of freedom that will assure us that America is not just a fair-friendly friend. Helping Ukraine is a clear message for Putin that the US stands with its colleagues and will stand for the aggression of Putin

But Ukrainians who bravely end Putin’s cruel attack in their country should not expect all assistance. As writer Sebastian Douglas said famous, “There is nothing independent in this world; Not even freedom itself. ,

Wahab Raufi is an independent writer who focuses on global affairs. He is a graduate from Kabul Law School and works at various levels for the Ministry of Justice in his original Afghanistan. He arrived in the United States, a house in California, and worked with the NATO/International Security Assistance Force as an interpreter in Afghanistan.

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