Texas mother arrested for pranking son’s bully – NECN

According to the Buxar County Sheriff Office, a Texas’s mother has been arrested after sending her son’s alleged threat to the hospital after consuming “deliberately” mixed sports drinks.

Sheriff’s office said in a statement that Jennifer Lynn Rossi, 45, mixed lemon, salt, salt and vinegar allegedly “prevent your son’s drink from being stolen by other students,” allegedly in a sport drink bottle. The Sheriff Office said in a statement.

The office said his 10 -year -old son on Tuesday gave a bottle to another boy during a PE class, who experienced nausea and headache soon after drinking a mixed cone. The inheritance traditional school for the sick child was called at Alamo Renge.

Although lemon, salt and vinegar are nontoxic materials, the victim was admitted to the hospital for additional medical surveillance as a result of this phenomenon. The student was eventually discharged.

According to the arrest affidavit, when the principal of the school approached Rossi, he hearing his son “deliberately mixed the beverage content” that the victim stole and threatened his drink to “the victim”. ,

The son said in a written statement that his prime drink had disappeared during the holiday a day earlier, and the victim said “he had it and kept on argues about it.”

According to the affidavit, after telling Rossi about the incident, to tell him about the incident, he was “thought to prank”, and he “did” whatever he told by his mother. .

The victim said that the son “accused him” and “someone tried to kill her” allegedly to take prime drinks.

Rossi said she “only intends to prevent her child from being tight” and she is a nurse and knows the mixture to be nonsuxic, “according to the affidavit.

But the victim “took a big sip of the drink after fabricating in his water bottle,” he “felt bad then.”

Rossi was accused of injury to a child, causing a physical injury.

This story first appeared at NBCNEWS.com. More than NBC News:

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