Suspect involved in deadly shooting, fire has long history of accusations of dangerous behaviors

The Depot of Cumberland County told Wral News on Monday that Matias Bagbi shot two people, due to which law enforcement tried to find him.

At the same time, a house was burnt. Bagbi is now facing several allegations, including the first-degree murder and attempt to kill the first-degree.

Wral News also learned that Bagbi has a long history of allegations related to dangerous behaviors, such as communicating dangers, harassing phone calls and cyberstocking.

While dating back in 1996, Bagbi was accused of rape attack on a woman. The case was voluntarily rejected. The court record mentioned in that case that “the prosecution looked trivial.”

Bagbi faced two allegations of communicating the dangers in the Cumberland County in 2019. Both those allegations were dismissed for insufficient allegations.

In 2022, Bagbi was accused of making upset phone calls. The court records show that on January 11, 2024, the case was marked as “dismissal without a holiday” after deferred prosecution. In other words, Bagbi was able to attack a deal to dismiss the allegations.

In 2023, a “no-contact order” was given after a woman was accused of sending an email threatening and making death and sexual threats against her. Documents say that Bagbi “put the plaintiff in proper fear in both home and work.” This criminal case was voluntarily rejected.

At the end of last year, Bagbi was once again accused of communicating threats. That case is still going on.

Wral News asked the District Attorney Billy West in Cumberland County how these cases could be rejected.

In an email, West wrote, “Review of previous allegations you referred to revealed that the judge refused to continue the state’s proposal on several occasions. We must have created this proposal to continue because a necessary witness was not present, and we could not move forward without them.

“I also saw where we had to take a dismissal in an example because we could not legally proceed due to insufficient allegations … In most cases, these are the victims themselves who do not come to court and unfortunately in most cases we can not move without them. We will encourage the victims to see the case, if possible, not only stop them to prevent others to be revived.”

Wral News found all that a community was closed near Fyetville earlier this week. The depot investigated a house fire and deadly shooting on the Evans Dairy Road.

The court documents states that Bagbi is accused of shooting a victim’s house – David Mathews – and shooting him several times. It says that Bagbi killed another neighbor, Richard Yarboro, while he was trying to help Matthews.

In 911 calls, a collar says that Bagbi is dangerous. Several callers, including Matthews, tell the dispatches that Bagbi was facing eviction.

Matthews said in a 911 call, “He lives in our fine house … he has got a record … he has received a eviction notice on 27th of this month.”

The documents confirm the date of that court. In this, his landlord claims that Bagbi was “catching” after the end of his lease and his money was outstanding.

A judge denied the previous attempt to appeal under the claims that it was a wrong eviction.

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