Southwest Miami-Dad, Fla. (WSVN) – Speaking after a family, he said, two people stole their French bulldogs from their backyard.
Police responded in the fields of Southwest 256th Street and 109th Avenue in Princeton.
The owner of these pets, Juan Galindo, said that three of his beloved family members were snatched from their backyard.
Juan Galindo said, “Two people jumped our fence and then took our three puppies, such as mother and her two children.”
According to the monitoring video of the house, dogs are heard shouting as two subjects, dressed in a hoodie, catch and pupples and their mother toss the puppies and their mother over the fence on the other subject Is.
“Children, children, he simply throws them and you see them falling,” Galindo said.
The video shows that the dogs can hit a garbage before falling to the ground. The subject then jumps the fence and fly with dogs.
“They are happy. Dogs are happy. It is incredible that people are ready to take it away only for money, ”Galindo said.
Galindo said that he believes that the Dograpers were waiting for the right time and to snatch.
Galindo said, “When I went out, fifteen minutes later when they came in,” Galindo said. “So they were waiting on me, as if they were waiting for us to go out.”
The family said that dogs need care. Dogs have not yet received all their vaccines, so they do not have a microchip.
Galindo said that this is not the first time Mother Dog has been stolen. After the theft, he was returned home as he canceled his neighborhood, flooded the area to get information about the dog’s hideout, and offered a reward.
He said that Mother Dog is recovering from a surgery that she passes after the ordinance.
“Somebody gave me a picture of his dog, like, ‘Oh this is your dog?” But he sent a picture of my real dog and I was as if I could recognize him, you know? “Galindo said.
Galindo said with her dogs, the thieves also stole the sense of family’s security.
“If you are coming in someone, then masked at 12 noon, as if they are ready to do anything. They are not afraid of the results, ”Galindo said.
Galindo said that there are still three puppies at home.
The family hopes that someone finds his three missing dogs and returns them. He has filed a report with the Miami-Dad police.
If you have any information about this crime, call the Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers on 305-471-Tips. Remember, you can always be anonymous, and you can be eligible for reward of up to $ 5,000.
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