Supreme Court strikes down lower court ruling to fund Cabell County libraries, parks

Huntington, W.V.

The Supreme Court issued an order two days after the hearing of oral arguments from lawyers representing the Cabel County Board of Education, Greater Huntington Park District and Cabel County Public Library two days after hearing oral arguments.

Matthew Rohrabach

In December 2023, a Cabel County Circuit Court judge ruled in favor of the park district and library system after both parties filed a case against the school board. In August 2023, BOE was sued. Slash library and parks funding were additionally voted from levy, which is to be voted in the primary election.

The BOE appealed to the Supreme Court of the Cabel County Circuit Court to judgment.

The High Court order means that the school board can stop funding libraries and parks under its proposed school additional levy.

More State Supreme Court order

Dale. Matthew Roharback, R-Cabel said that the issue has divided his county.

“It is very controversial and I am sure that this decision is just going to promote controversy today,” said on Thursday’s metronus “talkline”.

The school board wants to fund it from libraries and parks as they can no longer tolerate it. Superintendent of Cabel County Schools Ryan Sachs had earlier told Metronws that the district had experienced financial pressure due to inflation, Kovid epidemic and low student enrollment lacks additional funds.

The levy to be voted in May will not include a total of $ 2 million for parks and libraries.

Rohrbak said that he believes that voters would reject the levy.

“The park system is great. In Huntington and Cabel County, people want it. We give importance to our libraries. I think if it is given to people if it is given to people, then I think the school levy is going to fail heavyly, ”he said.

If the levy fails in May, there will be another chance for the school board for one vote in November.

“This will be a chance to reach a justified conclusion on this as the levy is in July 2025,” Rohraback said.

Levi has provided funds to Cabel County Public Library since 1967 and Greater Huntington Park and Entertainment District Since 1983.

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