Super Tuesday results across the U.S

Will WearT (Associated Press)

Washington (AP) – President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are ready to go very close to win his party’s nomination during the biggest day of the primary campaign on Tuesday, established a historic rematch, which was tolerated by many voters Will not

Super Tuesday elections are being held in 16 states and one region – Alaska and California to Vermont and Virginia. Hundreds of representatives are at stake, the biggest race for any party on any one day.

While most of the attention is on the presidential race, there are also important down-ballot competitions. The California voters will select the candidates who will compete to fill the Senate seat held by Dianne Finstein. The governor’s race will take shape in northern Carolina, both sides of a state are fiercely fighting before November. And in Los Angeles, a progressive prosecutor is trying to prevent an intensive reunion challenge in a race that can serve as a barometer of crime politics.

But Premier Race Center on Biden and Trump. And in a dramatic departure from last super Tuesday, both Democratic and Republican competitions have been effectively sealed this year.

Both people have removed those who easily challenged in the early stages of the campaign and are in full command of their dialects – despite making it clear that the voters do not want this year’s general election to be similar to the 2020 race. . Public Affairs Research gets a new AP-NORC center for the Research Polls that most Americans do not think that either Biden or Trump has the necessary mental acuity for the job.

“Both failed to unite this country, in my opinion, to unite this country,” said 66 -year -old Brian Hadley of North Carolina.

Neither Trump nor Biden Super will be able to formally receive his party’s nomination on Tuesday. As soon as possible, either his party’s appointed nominees can be made on March 12 for Trump and on March 19 for Biden.

The last days before Tuesday demonstrated the unique nature of this year’s campaign. Instead of barnstorming primary states, Biden and Trump organized rival events along the US-Maxico border last week, each tried to get a profit in the fast growing immigration debate.

The Supreme Court ruled by the Supreme Court on Monday that after trying to ban Trump to help him restrict his role to help Sparking Capital Riot to restore primary ballots, Trump for 91 criminal calculations. He gestured against him for accusing the courts of making weapons.

“Fight your fight with yourself,” said Trump. “Do not use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent.”

Biden saves the State of the Union addresses on Thursday, then campaigning in the major swing states of Pennsylvania and Georgia.

White House Communications Director Ben Labolt said in a statement that the President would protect the “record employment generation, the world’s strongest economy, increased wages and domestic money and policies responsible for drugs and energy costs.

In contrast, Labolt continued, for Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement, which includes “rewarding billionaires and corporations with tax breaks, removing rights and freedom and reducing our democracy.”

Biden’s expedition paid additional attention to Trump’s most stimulating pronunciation on the campaign mark, such as when he suggested to Adolf Hitler that immigrants were “poisoning blood” and he said that he said during his first day Want to serve as a dictator in the White House.

Trump recently told a gala for black conservators that he believed that African Americans sympathized with four of their criminal prosecutions, a sharp rebuke from the Biden campaign and the top democrats across the country of personal legal conflicts Comparison is to face historical injustice in the US in the US.

Trump has already won more than a dozen major Republican challenges and now only one is left: Nikki Haley, former President’s UN Ambassador to the United Nations of the former President who twice his home state South Carolina The governor was also elected.

Haley has hopscutch across the country, visited at least one super Tuesday state for more than a week and arguing that his support is much smaller than Trump – suggests that suggests that his support is much smaller than Trump. Former President will lose to Biden.

At a rally in Houston suburbs on Monday, Haley said, “We can do better than two 80 -year -old candidates for the President.”

Haley has maintained strong funds and won its first primary victory over the weekend in Washington, DC, a city operated by a Democrat with some registered Republicans. Trump turned that victory into a loss for the overall campaign, saying that he “crown the queen of the swamp”.

Although Trump has dominated the initial Republican primary calendar, his victory has shown weaknesses with some influential voter blocks, especially in colleges like Hanover, New Hampshire, Dartmouth College, or in colleges, or N Arber, where Michigan The university is located, as well as located. In some areas with high concentrations of freedom.

Nevertheless, Haley harassed him to win any of the Super Tuesday competition. And a trump sweep will increase the pressure on it only to leave the race.

Biden has its own problems, including low approval ratings and poles, which suggests that many Americans, even most Democrats, do not want to see the 81 -year -old running again. Last week, the President’s easy Michigan primary victory was slightly spoiled by an “unpublished” campaign organized by a workers, which rejects the Israeli war in Gaza.

Partners of “unpublished” vote are carrying forward similar protest votes elsewhere. There is a Minnesota to see, including a significant population of Muslims, including its Somali American communities, and disgruntled with liberal biden. A biden colleague, Gov Tim Walz, told Associated Press last week that he expected some votes for “unmitted” on Tuesday.

While Biden is the oldest president in American history, his renovation campaign argues that doubtful once it comes to it is clear whether it will be him or Trump in November. Trump is 77 years old and face his own questions about the age that have been abolished by Flbs over the weekends when he accidentally suggested that he was walking against Barack Obama.

This has not shaken the trust of Trump’s enthusiastic supporters.

“Trump will eat him,” Kane Ballows, a retired police officer who attended a weekend Trump rally in Virginia, said about the November 1 remat, “there will be a fool, adding that biden” there. ” “


Associated Press Writer Gary D. Robertson contributed to this report in Richemond, Richmond, Virginia at Richmond, Virginia.

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