Streator firefighters, paramedic honored for saving a life – Shaw Local

Eight members of the Streetor Fire Department and EMS were honored on Wednesday for saving the life of a street resident in a fire of 1 January.

Fire Captain Ryan Reynolds, Captain Fred McCalen, Lieutenant Tim Red, Fire Fighter Ian Rojers, Fire Fighter Edward Levi, Fire Fighter TJ Rainer, Fire Fighter Russell Calahan and Paramadic Michael White were recognized with a city announcement during the Streetor City Council meeting.

Mayor Tara Badei said, “Due to the heroic works of these first respondents, the victim survived and completely recovered from any possible injuries.” “A sad day may be really positive results.”

Firefighters 410 N on 1 January. Shabona was sent on 1 January for a microwave report in St. The first firefighters saw a large amount of smoke from the second floor. A resident of the house met him at the porch and told Rrenalds that one resident was trapped on the other floor.

The first crew entered the house with a hose line and upgraded the second floor, while sharing the story of life-saving attempt during the council meeting on Wednesday.

“At the top of the stairs, they faced a state of high heat and zero visibility,” she said.

Rrenalds continued to pour water on the fire as firefighting levy and calman searched the victim. Levi found the victim in a bedroom. Both of them worked to remove the victim as Rrenalds controlled the fire. As firefighters descended stairs with the victim, McLelan and Rogers stepped to remove the victim.

Rainer joined McLelan and Rogers in residence efforts. REDD established the water supply and then assisted the Paramedic White to get medical gears including COT. All the firefighters helped the victim to be taken to the cot and ambulance. Rainer helped White to the Ambulance N Marg for the OSF Center for Health-Society. On arrival, the victim was talking and the medical was cautious to the respondents, Bedai said.

Read in announcement: “These firefighters successfully execute the rescue of an unconscious hunting and put the safety and goodness of others on themselves …”

“Whereas, the mayor and the council believe that these firefighters and emergency medical personnel demonstrated life -saving measures that lead to a victim’s revival and complete recovery.”

After sharing the story from January 1, Bedai and Fire Chief Gary Bird called each firefighter and paramedic to gain recognition as the name. After each name, the group received a permanent ovation from those in the presence of the city hall.

Streetor Fire Captain Ryan Ryan Roynolds, Fire Fighter Edward Levi, Fire Fighter Ian Rogers, Fire Fighter TJ Rainer and Paramedic Michael White were honored on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, which was during the meeting of the Streater City Council to save the life of a fire victim earlier this year.Streetor Fire Captain Ryan Ryan Roynolds, Fire Fighter Edward Levi, Fire Fighter Ian Rogers, Fire Fighter TJ Rainer and Paramedic Michael White were honored on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, which was during the meeting of the Streater City Council to save the life of a fire victim earlier this year.

Streetor Fire Chief Gary Bird and Mayor Tara Bedai congratulated the fire captain Ryan Reynolds, one of the eight firefighters and paramedics, recognized during the meeting of the city council to save the life of fire victim earlier this year on Wednesday, February 21, 2024.Streetor Fire Chief Gary Bird and Mayor Tara Bedai congratulated the fire captain Ryan Reynolds, one of the eight firefighters and paramedics, recognized during the meeting of the city council to save the life of fire victim earlier this year on Wednesday, February 21, 2024.

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