Sons of Virginia couple attacked in the Caribbean speak out – NECN

A married couple, who sold their home in Virginia to retire for a life in the sea, officials believe that the survived convicts stole their boat in the Caribbean.

Mystery has sent shockwaves through Kathleen Brandals and Ralph Handry and the family of the sailing community.

The couple was last seen last week in East Caribbean in Granada. His boat, simplicity, a few days later “anchor and abandoned” were discovered on the island of St. Vincent, but he was not found anywhere, according to the non -profit salty dog ​​selling association, which has brandals and handry members.

An preliminary investigation shows that the three prisoners survived their holding cell in Grenada on 18 February, and kidnapped the boat from the capital St. George the next day. According to the Royal Granada Police Force, he made his way for St. Vincent and was eventually removed on 21 February.

The Granada police believe that brandals and handry may have been killed during kidnapping, but they cannot say so.

Nick Baro and Brian Handry say what happened to their parents, a retired couple who sold their homes in Alexandria, Virginia, to be able to spend the rest of their days on simplicity years ago, to be able to spend the rest of their days ago.

“This is something that is completely unpredictable,” Buro said. “And wrapping our minds around it and trying to understand a sensitive work of violence against two people, while they were essentially living their lives in their home, because simplicity was their home. They did not have another house … and that security and security were suddenly taken away from them and attacked them where they live, it is simply, it is unimaginable. ,

The brothers say that although they expect something that their parents may still survive, investigators said that there were signs of violent conflict on the ship: the couple’s property was scattered around, and had full blood.

“Shock, despair, fear, sadness, hope, love – all those feelings are passing through our head at the same time,” Buro said.

The brothers are in Caribbean as the authorities continued the search. The marriage of Kathleen Brandals and Ralph Hendry has been 27 years and has spent more than a decade worldwide.

Brian Hendry said, “He preferred to sink himself and meet people in different cultures and spread his love wherever he was.”

The Namkeen Dog Selling Association said that the couple had sent the boat from Hampton, Virginia to Antigua at last year’s Caribbean rally, and were spending winter in the East Caribbean.

Association president Bob Osborne said, “This is a very disturbing event and the details are still unconfirmed by the authorities, but it seems to be a tragic event.” “In all my years of the Caribbean hovering, I never heard anything like this.”

Prisoners aged 19, 25 and 30 were charged with a count of robbery with violence a few months ago. Police in Granada said the biggest prisoner was also accused in a count of rape, three rape cases and two cases of indecent attack.

Officials said they sent senior investigators and a forensic expert to St. Vincent.

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