Skokie developer to build $1.2 million homes in Morton Grove – Chicago Tribune

Morton Grove Community Photos: Municipal Center/Village Hall/Police Department User Upload Caption: Village Hall of Morton Grove.

Morton Grove Community Photos: Municipal Center/Village Hall/Police Department User Upload Caption: Village Hall of Morton Grove.

A scokey developer is expected to break the land soon on six luxury single-family houses on Shameer Road west of Harlem Avenue in Morton Grove.

The Village Board unanimously voted unanimously, in which Varada & Company, LLC was given the last plot of the subdivision to construct a Pono collection on 1.6 acres on 9312 Shermer Road.

Village Chairman Dan Dimaria said that he hoped that the construction of the subdivision will be completed within 18 months.

“I am sure they are up and are already carrying dirt,” Dimaria said. “The foundation will be going in this spring. They approved the site and are ready to start excavation. Once they receive the first one, the sale will go away from there. ,

Dimaria stated that the house, which would expand more than 3,300 square feet and sell each $ 1.2 million, provide buyers an excellent new style of housing in Morton Grove.

“At any time you can bring more modern looking homes, this is a good extra for the village,” he said. “When you have such values, it helps all the people there.”

Community Development Administrator Brandon Nolin for the village said that he is not sure of the exact time -line for construction.

Nolin said he is excited about the project.

“Any new development is always good,” he said. “It is really useful for the community that we are to make the types of housing provided here in the village comprehensive.”

Nolin said he hopes that Varada and the company would break the ground “in the near future”.

He said, “They are going with the final approval and as we speak, receiving the building permit,” he said.

Patrick Mackelli, director of sales and marketing for Ponto collection, said the project would break the ground in the next two or three weeks and the construction would be completed for some time during the fourth quarter of 2024.

Maceneeley said that houses will be built on a road in a “private enclave” that is dead in the subdivision.

He said, “Many potential buyers have a strong relationship with Morton Grove and they are living in Morton Grove and they don’t want to leave Morton Grove the suburbs forever.” “In addition, we have another multitude of buyers who want to move beyond the city of Chicago and want to start life in the suburbs and take advantage of great schools, parks, shopping and more, but still access to Chicago city through public transport.”

The project received a planned unit development special use permit from the board in January. According to the final plot of the subdivision approved by the board on Tuesday, the subdivision will be built at seven lots.

In a written report to the board, village engineer Chris Tomich said that the developer has already completed the following improvement:

  • Karb and Gutter, Pavement Base and Hot Mix Asphalt, Brick Paers and Parkway Grass on Pono Court
  • Carb and gutter, pavement and parkway grass on Shermar Road
  • Storm sewer system
  • Sanitary sewer system
  • Water distribution system
  • Storm’s detention facility

Tomich said that the following work has not been fully completed due to lack of weather or availability of essential materials, but improvement in the site for construction of homes is “very complete”:

  • Remove retaining wall in south storm water basin
  • Establishing retaining wall in northern basin
  • Pavement gaps in the driveway
  • Driveway apron
  • Asphalt surface pavement
  • Shermer Road Pavement Patch and Icon
  • Grading with northern property line
  • Ground elements on two lots
  • Street lighting

Dimaria said that recent development such as Ponto collection is proof that Morton Grove is no longer in the sleeping city that used to happen. “

“We have new items coming to the city,” he said. “We have a fresh form and people are focusing on it. It is attracting a good homeowner – professional or whatever you want to call them. ,

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