The about 150-year-old stained Glass Church window in Rhod Island, depicted a dark-tip Jesus Christ, who is interacting with women in the new testament scenes-known as “Black Gospel Window”-found a new house in a museum in Tenasi.
The window in 1878 was now installed in Warren at St. Mark Episcopal Church. This is the oldest known public example of stained glass on which Christ is depicted as a person of color, who has been seen by an expert. Scholars have studied work, trying to determine the artist’s motivations.
Measuring 12 feet tall and 5 feet wide (3.7 m 1.5 m), the window depicts two Bible passages in the window in which women are also painted with dark skin, appearing equal to Christ. In a conversation with Luke’s gospel of a luke, the sisters of Lazar Shows Martha and Mary in a conversation. The second showed Christ talking to the woman in the well with John’s gospel in the well.
Henry E in New York. Buced by Sharp Studio, the window was forgot to a large extent until a few years ago, when Hadley Arnold and his family bought the Greek Revival Church building, which was opened in 1830 as a church and closed in 2010, to convert to their home.
Arnold expected to find a museum, college or other institutes to display the window. He worked with a panel of Road Island leaders in art, historical conservation and black history before deciding that its new house would be Memphis Brooks Museum of Art in Tennessee.
Supporters of the move are committed to serving the museum as a powerhouse of black artistic and curatorial excellence. They also note that Memphis is one of the largest black-majority cities in the country, with an important religious community that played a leading role in the country’s civil rights movement.
Virginia Ragin, an expert in the history of a glass of history at Holi Cross College at Massachusetts’ Worster, said last year that he and other experts had confirmed the skin tone – the milk was removed in an oven to set the image in a black and brown paint on the milky white glass – original and life -threatening.
Does it indicate that a black Jesus is open to speculation.
Arnold does not feel comfortable using the word, prefers to say that it represents Christ as a color person, perhaps the Middle Eastern, which she says that she would understand, from where the Galilean Jewish preacher.
Arnold said in a statement, “There will be a pride of the place in the Black Gospel window of 1877.” “It will be on a permanent performance in a glass -wall gallery adjacent to a central courtyard, filled with natural light during the day, enlightened and visible from a public courtyard at night.”