Students of Patnam County Junior High School VI participated in the Rebecca Codil Young Readers Award program.
This Illinois Award is determined by student votes. The award encourages students to read for personal satisfaction and develop a statewide awareness about excellent children’s literature. The book, “Alon”, was chosen as a favorite among the sixth grade participants of the 20 enrolled books.
The program was introduced to students through a cooperative effort between Amy Carboni’s sixth grade classes and Debbie Thompson, PCJH Media Parapropist. The Patnam County Educational Foundation approved the grant that helped the books to pay for copies and behaviors for the party. Putnam County Junior High was also selected to get a 2023-2024 readers choice grant for a set of Rebecca Codil Books from Aisley/LBSS Endowment Fund.
Anetan Davis, District Librarian, not only helped establish the program, but also the Gave Input on Grant, he took time to get some treatment and helped with the party. This is last year Davis Rebecca Codil will help with the program, as she is retiring.
Apart from this, Mike Olson, PCJH Principal, and Clayton Thesinger, Superintendent, PEG Myers, who supported the program, who made cookies for the party. After each student read one of the books, they have to pass the test, and then fill a story balloon. A balloon report helps the student understand parts of the novel.
After reading and reporting on three Rebecca Codil books, the student has received a certificate, stating that he is eligible to attend the party and vote for Rebecca Codil Young Readers Book Award.
Fifteen students were invited to attend the party on 23 February. Sixteen students voted and a total of 93 books have been read by only sixth graders so far. Students were treated for cookies, soda, ice cream and topping at Rebecca Codil’s February birthday celebrations. The name of any sixth grader reading all 20 of Rebecca Codil Books will be engraved on a plaque to appear in school in honor of this achievement. Students have to meet the requirements to place their names on the plaque till 10 May.