NC election results could be 30 minutes late this year. Why that’s now leading to conspiracy theories

A new state law will delay in reporting results on election day – a result that has given rise to the principles of conspiracy on social media that it is a trick to the state officials to steal elections.

The issue highlights the difficult situation among the MPs of the Republican state of Northern Carolina: they are the ones who wrote and passed the law last year. His main explanation was that it was to improve confidence in electoral integrity, some pole shows are particularly low among Republican voters.

But the new law-based on Trump’s complaints about the practice in 2020, also extended the deadline for mail-in voting-it is also known that at least a few conservatives have had adverse effects, who say that the delays will be used by state officials to rigged elections.

In the past, the state was always able to report the results from the initial voting as the election was closed on the election day. The Northern Carolina State Board of Election said on Tuesday that the election officials are no longer allowed to start counting any vote until the election is allowed to begin until the election is closed at 7:30 pm.

“The State Board of Elections should follow the state and federal laws,” said Pat Gainon, a spokesman of the Election Board on Wednesday. “The law regarding counting of in-tradition initial votes may not be clear. … In-Person Initial Votes will still be counted and the election will be publicly reported on the night, due to the law a little later. ,

Not everyone is confident that the changes were so modest.

, [elections board] Announcing his cheating in the open, “A self-proclaimed former GOP officer wrote on the social media platform X, which was previously known Twitter,

“Delay = cheat” wrote to another self-reliant conservative.

Neither was it really explained that what they believe that the election board’s alleged cheating scheme was to complete during the primary election. But after receiving thousands of views, the claims inspired the election board to go directly into conversation.

The official account of NCSBE replied to a post: “No, we are saying that the change in law requires a change in the process. Please read the law, which is available through the link in the press release. Talk to someone who understands the process. Nobody helps by spreading the principles of misinformation and conspiracy about elections. ,

Voter fraud rare

Voter fraud is almost no one in Northern Carolina, state audit has been shown over years. In 2016, a comprehensive audit found 0.01% of 508 potential cases of statewide illegal polling or about 5 million ballots. Even if all those allegations were true, the election officials said, no election results would have been affected as the number was so small and voters were included on both sides of the corridor.

The state was hit by a scam in 2018, when the campaign of Republican Congress candidate Mark Harris benefited from hundreds of fraud ballots. Investigators discovered it for a team run by McCre Doles, the Harris campaign. Harris dropped out of the race to stop the investigation, which led to a do-over election in 2019 which sent the Republican Rape Dan Bishop to the Congress.

Dowless died while waiting for the test, but many of his assistants have been convicted for their roles in the plan. Harris was never criminally charged, and he is running for the Congress again this year – to replace the bishop, who is leaving the Congress to run to the Attorney General. Harris faced five other Republicans including State Rape John Bradford in GOP Primary.

Many election changes of new law

The main author of the law, who caused a possible delay in results, is the Senate Bill 747, Republican sensor. Warren Daniel, Ralph Hey and Paul Newton. He did not immediately respond to the request of comment on Wednesday about the principles of the conspiracy and the reaction of the Election Board.

SB 747 made several more comprehensive changes in the election law. It passed purely with party lines last year.

Republican leaders defended the changes necessary to improve the voters’ confidence in the elections. Only 31% of GOP voters believe that Democratic President Joe Biden legally defeated Republican Donald Trump in 2020, a Washington Post/University of Maryland Poll last month.

Democrats opposed the SB 747, saying that its new rules were specially made in a thin-in-voting change in mail-in voting, which means that legitimate ballots were made to throw the garbage in garbage as Democrats use more mail-in voting than Republican. He also expressed concern that new, relaxed rules for participation pole supervisors could cause tension and voters to bully this year.

The law is being challenged in the court, but remains for now.

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