When the pair of a mother and daughter of the Rivaraside gave a deadly dose of Silicon injection in the buttocks of 26 -year -old Karisa Rajpal in a house in October 2019, she died within a few hours of the process, she would not have shown almost immediately as a surprise, the prosecutors said on Tuesday, fame.
Rajpal stopped breathing and started losing consciousness after the pair-53-year-old Libbie Edm and 26-year-old Alysis Galaz-Ne Two Siring pasted into their back, pressing the plunges several times to inject it with a liquid, which was to motivate the growth of fat cells in her butt cheeks, which looked full.
Paramedics, who arrived at home after a partner of Rajpal named 911, had very little idea what was happening to him. After bringing him to a hospital, Rajpal stopped breathing and died.
Adame and Galaz should know that Rajpal’s death is possible, prosecutors said inside the Los Angeles Court Room, where the first day of the murder case was played on Tuesday, as they saw it earlier.
Deputy District Attorney Lee Sernok said Galaz was in hand for the death of another woman Kareena Arius more than a year ago. Sernok said Arius died after receiving the same process in a salon at South Gate. Security camera footage showed Galaz arriving at the salon that day; The footage waited with a colleague at the salon rear parking, as paramedics moved upwards, trying to revive Arius unconscious and unsuccessfully.
CERNOK in his initial statements on Tuesday revealed the death of another woman as she demanded to show the jury of 10 men and six women that both Adames, known as “La Tia” on social media, and Galaz should have known the risks that they had performed on hundreds of women in almost a decade.
CERNOK accused the two vested malicious killings – that is, the risks of the process were so well known to the pair that he showed malicious in injection with liquid. He has been accused of three cases of medical operations without license along with a count of murder.
CERNOK said that the women put all their customers at risk, while famous for money and social media at their expense, Sernok said.
“They are going and going and going, to earn money,” Sernok told the jury.
The lawyers of Adame and Galaz, however, doubted the claims of Cernok’s murder. He said that women cannot be declared criminally responsible for Rajpal’s death. He said that California law does not underline butt-lift processes.
Given that Rajpal demanded treatment – the operation that killed him was his third such session with Edem and Galaz – and agreed to operate, he questioned the filing of murder charges.
“Facts are not in controversy,” Michael Flangan said, a lawyer for Edem, outside the court on Tuesday. “What is the law in the controversy.”
In his initial statement, Flangan described the operation that killed Rajpal as a fatal accident, not murder.
“Things went wrong,” he told the jury. “This is not a case of a cold -blooded killer.”
Whether or not they have been found guilty, the allegations filed against both women in 2021 brought to light an underground culture of amateur butt-lifts sought by women in the Los Angeles area. Processes include roots in Mexico and Central and South America. Sometimes according to American registers, known as “Butt lift of Brazil”, popular body modifications are highly risk.
Possible damage of injected silicon has been known for years. Such procedures are not approved for use in the United States. The FDA has warned against him at least 2017.
The agency wrote, “Silicon injections can cause long -term pain, infection, and severe injuries, such as scarning and permanent disintegration, embolism (blood vessel, stroke and death obstruction,” the agency has written.
On Tuesday, Rajpal and Arius were scary for the jury.
Prosecutors showed autopsy photos of both women to the jury: Arius’s Pale Body was placed on the examination table of a coroner, both the puncture wounds seen above the butt cheek.
Rajpal’s body examination also showed deep punctures over his butt cheeks, where Edem and Galaz pasted the syringe in it. Examiners cut her skin to check the damage done by needles to her muscle tissue, as well as to remove the liquid injected her. Cernok said that yellow red liquid silicon was found inside him.
Adame and Galaz were sitting quietly in the small court room as both sides presented their arguments to the jury.
Wearing a pel gray fur coat, Adam shifted to his chair, looked back to family members’ gallery and whisper for flamban. Galaz, wearing a black and white coat with a newspaper-style prints, adjusting his hair, sometimes smiling at his lawyer.
It was not clear whether any criminal allegations were made in Arius’ death on Tuesday. CERNOK said that when investigators heard about Rajpall’s death, he was killed by the police. But a Lapd detective, who investigated Rajpal’s death in Sharman Ox, rejected the remarks outside the court.
Prosecutors said Galaz helped two other women administer the process on Arius at the South Gate Salon.
After dying in a hospital, the prosecutors stated that Arius’s cell phone was tracked back to Edem and Galaz’s magnificent manside. Later that night, Arius’s phone switched off a cell phone tower, before it was closed for the last time.
On Tuesday, the first witness named Rajpal’s husband, Marco Jiyonji, was Jeanuzi.
Jiyonji, who lived with Rajpal in RESEDA, tore several times and talked to the witness stand, he took several flaws from the water bottle. He said that he was present for the first two processes, Edem and Galaz performed on their wife. Jiyonji said that he objected to both.
Knowing that he opposed him to achieve butt-lifts, Gianuji said that he believes that his wife had hidden the third process from him. On October 19, 2019, he received a police call stating that his wife had died.
In the cross exam, Flagon asked if Gianuji really preferred the effect seen in his wife’s buttocks, when she fulfilled the lifts. He said that he said that he did not.
“She was beautiful to me like this – natural,” Jiyonji said. “I really dislike big butts.”