William Egleston, Untitledal (Drive-in Restaurant Couple in Red Car)(1965–1968). Courtesy Philips
For more than three decades, Miami -based Real Estate Mogul and Art Collector Martin Marguliz have shown their huge photography collection (which is part of a large contemporary art collection) in the warehouse, which is funded by the foundation of their names Non-profit art is space.
Martin Z. To support the Marguliz Foundation, Marguliz is auctioning around 450 photos, collectively valuable between $ 3.8 million and $ 5.8 million. Cindy Sharman, Carrie Mae Wams and Hac Wilis work with Thomas, will be sold by Philips in a series of auction starting from April that will benefit the organization of the guidulis.
The collector, whose name is often listed with other arts like Norman Brahmin or Donald and Mera Rubel, opened a 50,000-square-foot warehouse in 1999, with a 4,000-tukra collection of installations by contemporary paintings, idols and artists. Roy Liechtenstein and Frank Stella. Photography has also played a major role in the art collection activities of Margulis. “When we started collecting photography in the 1990s, it opened a new life: to read new books, to travel new galleries, to join with new people, and new things to learn,” He said in a statement.
Gordon Park, The story of isolation (1 out of 12 photos in the set), (1956). Courtesy Philips
The auction will include the distinguished works by Gordon Park and Danny Leone
The photography collection of the guidulis, which emphasizes the discovery of society and human condition, will be sold in a live auction in April and October, with an online auction at the latter date. The first sale on April 4 will include more than 150 lots, including pieces like Gordon Park ‘ The story of isolation series. Published in Life Magazine in 1956 for the first time, a collection of twelve photographs examines breed relations in the US and has a high estimate of $ 90,000.
The auction will also have two major series of Danny Leone. BikardersA fifty-image exploration of motorcycle subculture in the 1960s, during which the lions embedded with Chicago Outlook Motorcycle Club are expected to be brought between $ 40,000 and $ 60,000. And the set of seventy images of the photographer Conversation with deadA study of Texas jails is estimated between $ 50,000 and $ 70,000.
Los Angeles’ Ed Ruscha Survey in 1962, Gasoline stationIt is expected to feel between $ 100,000 and $ 150,000. Apart from this, Thomas Strut is on the block Paragaman Museum 1, BerlinWith a high estimate of $ 180,000, his 2001 discovery of museum-goals.
Danny Leone, Bikarders (1 of 50 photos in the set), (1963–1966). Courtesy Philips
Moving beyond sales, Martin Z. Guestation will help support the organizations of the Foundation that improve food security and assist poor, homeless, marginalized children and veterans. While the most prominent activities of the organization are in art, Marguliz Miami has been a particularly emotional supporter of Lotus Village Shelter for women and children, which is a local resource and residential feature.
The philanthropy of the guidulis also includes important donations to art institutions, which they believe that should be funded by donations. He has deprived both Whitney and Metropolitan Museum of Arts $ 5 million and is an outspoken critic of institutions such as Miami’s Perez Art Museum that receives millions of people in public funding. “I felt that the use of money would be better for social services such as feeding hungry people, homeless and taking care,” he told the financial Times in 2022. “Private people should pay for museums.”
Their vast art collection, most of which is open to the public through exhibitions by the warehouse, will eventually be sold to benefit the charity and their children. Philips auction is just one first step.
“Every collector’s journey comes at a time when they should address the future of their collection,” the guest said. “Now, we are excited to present these photos to a new generation of collectors, which we hope that our passion for photography and all its manifestations will share our deep praise for the medium.”