L.A. County should make it easy for street vendors to do business – Daily News

It is good for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to proceed with a plan to allow and regulate road vendors in unirrigated parts of the county. County will join around 16 cities here, who have made their rules for vendors.

Funny, as Rebecca Ellis explained in the La Times last month, “vendors used grilled meats, fresh fruits and used clothes, which were used on the roads of the unirrigated la county, trapped in a strange legal gray area: no restricted, but not yet regulated.”

But a new board resolution, which is so far supported by four of the five supervisors, will create an ordinance that will determine the rules for the sellers to operate legally.

All this was changed six years ago a state law, as long as the street vending was legalized, until cities and counties made rules under which they could work.

“Now the county should do its share,” said supervisor Hilda Solis. She believes, and we agree that such rules can bring entrepreneurs, many of which come from Latin immigrant communities-you have gone for a big concert or swap meat in recent years, so you are definitely familiar with the famous La Street Dogs, a bacon-lipted hot dogs sold in the local economy.

When a final version of it is passed, vendors will have to register with the county, and do not block the footpaths, or sell on private property, or to build the garbage, and will face penalty for non-transportation.

In the first vote on the ordinance, which was 4–0, supervisor Catherine Bargar avoided. He is concerned about competition with bricks-and-mortar businesses, and notes that installed restaurants can be closed by inspectors and lose a day or more business. She thinks a “care first” aspect for an ordinance in which objectionable vendors will be educated about the new rules, as they create an uneven sports ground contrary to imposing fines for violating them.

This is an argument as is older in the form of objections on the parking-space taco trucks from the restaurant, which have to pay rent and much more. And we understand the logic. ,

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