Joe Biden strains to reach young Michigan voters: ‘He’s too old’

Hur alleged that Biden’s “memory was quite limited” in his 2023 interview with investigators and in a separate 2017 interview with a memoir writer. Among other things, Hur said that Biden had trouble remembering that when his son Beu Biden died of cancer, a claim that the President strictly refused.

“I know what I am doing,” Biden said at a fiery White House press conference that he called to refute Hur’s report. He said, “My memory – take a look at what I have done since becoming President,” he told reporters. “None of you thought that I can pass any of those things that have passed me. How will this happen? ,

Biden’s campaign is working to woo Michigan’s 27 February to woo young voters from primary.

US rape. Sarah Jacobs of California discussed the President’s track record with students from Michigan University last week, and US rape. Ro Khanna, another California Democrat, is expected to return to the campus on Thursday.

“Policies are improving young voters,” Transport Secretary Pete Batigieg told the bridge at a campaign program in Lansing earlier this month.

While Trump is focusing on the past and getting “revenge” against political enemies, Biden is looking for the future, he said, citing President’s support for abortion rights and “his work” on “climate change” to start “the most important action in the world’s history, among other things.

Biden has also fought to cancel the student loan for millions of Americans, spokesperson Alyssa Bradley, who told the Bridge that the campaign is committed to hearing that the campaign “is the most important to young voters.”

Nevertheless, Biden’s age “will definitely present some challenges” when it comes to motivating young voters, said 21 -year -old Liam Richichi, Vice President of College Democrats at Michigan State University.

“People like to change my age – something new, something new,” Richichi told the bridge. Looking at the old politicians at Washington DC, “deciding for us … a little disappointing,” he said.

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