Boston Celtics launched a full herd of demons on Sunday afternoon with a 52-point stumping of a Golden State Warriors team on Sunday afternoon, living in his head since the 2022 NBA final. But the most titled moment of the day came to actually came about an hour after the last bajar.
Jelane Brown, cutting a warriors defense fresh, which improperly challenged them to quickly and frequently set them on fire, wrapped their postgam press conference with an intensive statement.
“This is a lot of respect for Golden State Warriors,” Brown said, “But we think it’s our time now.”
Celtics, with the rest of the league in the rearview mirror and in the history of the NBA, put them like the numbers that slot them, not necessarily a clear swagger, but his play sent a strong message to the league on Sunday.
For all his successes in the last half decade, the origin of this Celtics team has been saddened by the suggestion that they cannot thrive on the biggest platform. Ultimately, it is a belief that this team cannot go far away until the playoffs arrive.
But Sunday’s victory matters, and slightly more than others. Even though the dynasty of warriors feel that it is a bit on life support, they still owe real estate in Boston’s head from the 2022 final. Celtics used to see overheps for regular regular regular-regular regular-regular-regular-regular-regular-regular-regular-regular-regular-regular regions and fell into old bad habits. Careless turnover. Painful scoring drought. Poor bench contribution. This season in December this season, Warriors won the 17-point hole to win in overtime during the first meeting of the teams.
But none of this happened on Sunday, as Brown ignited one of the most absurd runs as James Nismith first hung a peach basket.
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Celtics opened a tied game scoring a ridiculous 82-half point. Boston led a franchise record 44 points and scored 44 points in the interval and pushed the profit to the north of 50, which before sending to the reserves to finish the 140–88 victory inside a delicate TD garden.
Brown has taken the challenge of chasing Luka Donic and Step Curry in the final doubles games.
See, the victory of a regular-season victory does not wash the sting to remove a chance in banner 18 in 2022. And while it can be irrational to suggest that Celtics has no “Must-Win” regular-season game as an 8.5-game cushion within six games in the east, which does not feel Hyperbol to tell that the Celtics is suggested to suggest that the celts suggested that the Celtics suggested that CLTICS is suggested to suggest that Celtics is suggested to suggest that Celtics is suggested to suggest that Celtics is suggested to give suggestion Celts Needed To win Sunday’s game.
If Boston again implicates the versus warriors, the legend would be that they were still not ready for a large platform – that this core could dominate for regular season stretch, but the nuggets and the warriors suggested losses that the squads were still not ready for prime time.
Instead, Celtics gave a glimpse to a national audience as to what they can do if they are fully engaged. Even playing without Crystaps Porzingis, which is in the depth of Boston, Caltics still harassed warriors.
Those painful postson turnover? Boston committed just one in the first half. Painful scoring drought? Celtics shot 60 percent of the floor in the first half, including 62.5 percent beyond 3-point arc (15 for 24). bench? Luke Cornet and Sam Haasar, part of the bench group that Boston could not fully rely in 2022, played an important role in tearing the game, as Boston removed the first quarter.
The first half had Hosar +27 in 10 minutes; Cornet, which Mazullah Sing out in the locker room after the gameIn minutes filled with six energy, +20 was.
Celtics did not give any chance to Warriors to consider the return. Brown and Birthday Boy Jason Tatam added 47 first-huff points, excluded warriors on their own. Even better: Jais continued to play regularly right when they were set on fire in levels like NBA jam, Deric agreed to look open when the ball came with White and Junior Holiday.
Caltix numbers are absurd. They commit the best crime with 121.7 aggressive ratings in NBA, which is a better of 1.6 points from second place Indiana. Boston has shims up to number 2 in a defensive rating at 110.2. The +11.6 Net rating of Celtics is better than the Oklahoma City (+8) and the nearest Eastern Conference is better than doubled than the rival (Cleveland, +5).
Celtics, now riding 11-game winning streak, is moving towards a 66-win speed. This number may be slightly reduced in the last 22 games, given the need to rest players, and it will not be easy to find a game-to-game inspiration given the big cushion in the past.
But there is still some immediate inspiration. Tuesday’s visit to Cleveland reduces the five-game road trip which includes Thursday-night performance with the nuggets. Boston gets a chance to avenge the loss of another initial season and show that it stands against the champs that ruled. Celtics has produced some of its best basketballs since he was unable to take Nuggets down in his visit to Boston in January.
This is another time for Celtics to show that this is actually their time.