Hear from 8 women diagnosed with cancer who spent time at NC State’s Poe Hall

The northern Carolina State State closed the Poe Hall after a high test for PCB.

At that interval of that four months, 5 people have received cancer reports from your side who worked or studied in a poem.

It is not known that the PCB cancer and many other health problems found in the pot hall have something that has been told 5 in your favor. However, many people who have come forward for Wral news say they want more north and acknowledgment than the university.

In a Wral 5 in their favor, eight women who worked in a poo hall and later diagnosed cancer are publicly speaking publicly. Everyone says that they agreed to interview them to give voice to those who have worked or learned in poo hall and are struggling with health issues. All universities are important for closure, later testing and conducting guidance.

  1. Eight women who spent time in Po Hall and diagnosed with cancer
  2. PCB test and cancer report
  3. A close look at 123 cases of cancer was informed on your side and data trackers 5
  4. Is the rate of cancer reported in poo hall higher than normal?
  5. What is being done about poo hall and disease and cancer reports?
  6. Cancer cost and poo hall concerns

Eight women who spent time in Po Hall and diagnosed with cancer

Sandy Alford was detected for breast cancer after studying for years in the poo hall in 2021.

“The neck kingdom has taught us that the strength of Wolfpack, and the pack takes care of each other,” said Alphord. “Here are some pack members faces that need to be talked to, there is a need to communicate with.”

Alford told Wral 5 in his favor that people who spent time in Poe Hall found it almost very difficult to learn about all cancer cases when he first came to know that he had cancer.

“Any cancer patient will tell you about phone calls when they came to know that they had cancer. This sounds like another phone call, ”Alford said about the counting of a high case.

“We know that people get a large number of cancer. We are not talking about the neck state as a whole; We are just talking about a building, “said an alumnus and employee of the NC state, Tremine Britian.

Britian spent 10 years in the poo hall. She told 5 on your behalf that she knew at least three other people from the poo hall along with cancer. In 2020, he said that he removed the anxiety of a possible cancer pattern.

Britian said, “I brought it to leadership and simply said, ‘Hey, with these recent cases, something strange seems,” Britian said.

PCB test and cancer report

For PCB, NC State will take an employee who filed a complaint with the state labor department before testing the NC State’s PO Hall, the university’s education and psychology hall, three and the year, 13 cases, and an employee will take an employee’s time.

In the middle of the 20th century, toxic chemicals were used in building construction, but were later banned due to numerous cancer links and other health conditions.

“This is a potential carcinogen in humans,” Madison Hudson said, another student who spent time in the poem and diagnosed lymphoma.

Initial testing conducted in Po Hall was found to be 38 times higher, which is unsafe. More testing is currently being conducted by the consulting firm Geosyntec advisors.

“I was not surprised at all; I was just more surprised that it came to light, “Britian said about the test that high levels of potential carcinogenes were detected.

For Ana Mora, an almonda was clicked at the age of 28, detected at the age of 28.

“When I came to know, the doctors could not tell me why I was diagnosed or why I had cancer. I would like to know if it was probably a reason, “Mora said about the PCB found in PCB. hall

Many people have the same question as Mora and went to the university to get more information. But when Britian reported his breast cancer to a university employee, he never received any response.

Britian said, “Thank you not to tell us, we are sorry, we hope you are well.”

“If they find these chemicals in the building and shut it down, and all these people are ill, then it is serious,” said Michel Kranig, a former psychology student, who was later detected for breast cancer.

Wral 5 has produced about two dozen stories on your behalf as it was closed in November, interviewing more than a dozen people and more than hundreds on the camera, and filed 12 public record requests.

Earlier this month, 5 stated in their favor that NC State was no longer participating in an independent investigation on health issues in Po Hall, a decision that they reversed after our report. More people who diagnosed cancer with each story came to Wral.

Wral 5 received information on your side, including the type of cancer, the time spent in the poo hall, the age of the diagnosis, and the year of diagnosis from almost every person who reported a case, and to take a deep look at the numbers with the Wral data trackers.

A close look at 123 cases of cancer was informed on your side and data trackers 5

According to data, four of each 10 cases were breast cancer. Lymphoma, skin cancer and leukemia were also highly prevalent diagnosis. A handful of people were detected by more than one type of cancer, and many others received a diagnosis of cancer on several occasions.

“I was already in Po for three years when they started coming. First, thyroid cancer is my junior year and a soft tissue cancer, my senior year, ”said Christie Lewis, an alumnus in the neck state.

Most of the diagnosed women are – 77%. And there are about two-thirds of former graduate students or former faculties or employees, 16 people currently work in the neck state or are going to school there.

The youngest person was 19 years old at the time of diagnosis; The oldest 78 was when they were diagnosed – the average age is 44 – it is about 20 years younger when the average American is diagnosed with cancer.

These spans decades – someone shared his story with us as a diagnosis of last month, after the building was closed and they were there for years. The first diagnosis was in the 80s.

Is the rate of cancer reported in poo hall higher than normal?

Without full data, it is difficult to know.

However, in 2022, according to the National Cancer Institute, a woman was being diagnosed with breast cancer in Wake County, one in 650. Nevertheless, in the same year, five women working in a poo hall had detected breast cancer – at least three times more than what we expect.

What is being done about poo hall and disease and cancer reports?

Wral 5 asked the leaders of the neck state in their favor if the university had commented about those who spent time in poo hall and reporting cancer and other diseases.

The university spokesperson wrote in an email, “Reported diseases are disastrous, and we are committed to getting answers about the building with our community health.” “We started investigating the building in response to the employee concerns, and we are committed to receive the answer, but this process takes time.

“It is important to understand and inform any possible impact on health what issues may exist in the building.”

Wral 5 also asked the university on your behalf what it is doing to solve the worries of the employees who never heard back.

The university spokesperson wrote, “Everything we have done and whatever we do is everything that helps to remove the concerns expressed by our community with evidence-based information.” “At the request of the NC State, NIOSH has opened a new health danger assessment.

“We are waiting for the information how Niosh wants to move forward. The lines of communication remain open. ,

In addition, Wral News asked NC state leaders about the concerns of employees and employees that the university’s message is not addressing cancer cases or other diseases.

The spokesperson wrote, “As an institution, we are doing all that we can get answers, but it will take time.” “As the Chancellor shared the community in its message last week, we are committed to transparency and – most importantly – is a safe place to do the right thing, work, learn and live to ensure noble state.

“We listen to people’s concerns completely, and we will do all that we can do to earn and maintain our community in this process.”

In the middle of February, the State State announced that it was re -requesting the evaluation of health threat from the National Institute of Professional Safety and Health.

In a statement, Chancellor Randy Woodson told the Nekan state community that it was decided to reopen the request on February 12 as there were additional test results from the university’s geocynet. The test was conducted in late December.

Woodson told the Nekan state community that there would be additional tests in March. The lower level of the PCB was shown compared to the initial trials conducted in the first round of geosintech testing. Geosintech was tested with the HVAC system. It belonged to Lee Stephens hernan survived from ovarian cancer.

He said, “Test with HVAC, so we know how it was when we were in the building,” he said.

The university said that GeosyNTEC would conduct further tests in March. During this test, the HVAC system can be turned back.

The university created a Po Hall update page with messages from Chancellor Randy Woodson. It does not mention many other serious diseases related to cancer, or PCB.

A NC spokesperson told Wral 5 in his favor that the university is unable to comment on specific health issues until more testing is done to understand the severity of PCB.

Cancer cost and poo hall concerns

“Until you have gone through it, you can’t even imagine how it is; It is frightening, “Stephens Hernan said.

Katy Rolland, a former NC student, who spent years in the Po Hall and later diagnosed with breast cancer, which is asked to deal with the health concerns of the university.

Rolland Wral 5 tells Wral 5 that many people went to the classroom in the poem and those who are healthy will later become ill.

“I firmly feel that the university needs pressure to handle the situation fast and with great care of the people involved,” Rolland said.

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