Early voting expanding in McHenry County – Shaw Local

Voters of McHenry County who want to vote primarily on March 19, but do not have the desire to drive in the office of McHeenry County Clerk in Woodstock, there will be more options starting on Monday.

Ten new polling stations will open on Monday:

  • McHenry Township Office, 3703 N. Richmond Road, Johnsburg. There is a drop box inside the voting room.
  • Algonquin Township Building 6B, 3702 US Route 14, Crystal Lake, Garage entrance. There is a drop box inside the voting room.
  • McHeenry City Hall, 333S Green Saint, McHeenry, Municipal Council Entrance Gate. There is a drop box inside the voting room.
  • Lake in Hills Village Hall, 600 Harvest Gate, Lake in the hills, the main entrance. There is a drop box inside the voting room.
  • Nanda Township Office, 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake.
  • Huntley Park District, 12015 Mill Saint, Huntley, South Entrance Gate.
  • Carrie Area Library, 1606 Three Ox Road, Carrie, Main Entrance Gate.
  • Algonquin Library, 2600 Harnish Drive, Algonquin, main entrance.
  • Dunham Township Office, 107 Airport Road, Harvard, Main Entrance Gate.
  • Marngo City Hall, 132 AD. Prey Saint Marngo, Rear Entrance.

At all those places, as well as the office of the county clerk in 2200 N Seminary Avenue, this week, from March 8 to March 4, will be open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Monday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

County Building, McHeenry Township Office, Algonquin Township Building, McHeenry City Hall, Lake in Hills Village Hall and Nunda Township office will be open from 8:30 am to 8:30 am to 8:30 am to 11 am to 11 am to 8 March, 8:30 am to 8:30 pm to 3:30 pm to 3:30 pm to 3:30 pm to 3:30 am.

Huntley Park District, Carrie Area Library and Algonquin Library will be open to vote on March 11, March 11, March 11, March 11, March 11, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on March 16 from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.

Dunham Township Office and Marngo City Hall will be open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on March 11 from 15 am and 8:30 pm to 2 pm.

Voters can put a ballot at any initial polling place, whether they live. On the election day, they have to go to their local polling place or county clerk office.

A voter who wants to vote with the privacy of his home can still request a mail ballot through March 14, fill the form here and then email it, mail it or hand it to the in-tradition, and hand over it to the in-trap, and a voter with a mail ballot who wants to vote for one person can turn into choice in his mail ballot.

Voters with mail ballots have the election day to change their ballot papers. Voters can put a hand in the dropbox at polling or McHeenry County Administration Building at polling places, or they can send it to the mail with a mail that it is to be postmit on the election day.

Illinois online voter registration system will be closed at 11:59 pm on Sunday, but voters can always register in elections.

Sample ballots are listed online. An address-specific ballot can be found here, and one can be found here with all races.

Voters can draw a democratic, Republican or nonpartison ballot. Nonpartison ballots will not have candidates, only referendum such as McHenery County Mental Health Board Sale Tax Questions.

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