Anahaim – In his game against Columbus Blue Jacket, Duck had a visitor near Duck where he wanted him.
Or would have eventually thought before falling less than 7-4.
No team in NHL has won more return than ducks this season, and for a period they bowed to that Mojo on Wednesday night at Honda Center.
After the snow came out, after the first period, Duck changed the tables and the Exuberant Cheers congratulated him in the next intervening, after a decrease of 4–0, the thanks to a quarter of a quarter of the goals of the duck during the 11-minute stretch of the second period.
With sports for tombs, ducks were unable to complete what would be an excellent start for nine consecutive consecutive games in California.
But by the Kings, 5–1, the final-place team at the Metropolitan Division scored three to shut down its final golden state trip of the season with a top-tap 7–4 win in the third period, a day after exiting Gates.
Duck coach Greg Cronin said, “We removed the Pak in the third period, and it ended us the cost of the game.” “His last two goals (closed) turnover, both. At least four of his goals came away from our sticks. ,
Blue jacket further stopped a goal against Kings on Tuesday. The next night, he contributed quickly, assisting the second goal of the Blue Jacket on a simple day of Duck goalkeeper John Gibson on a simple day of the Blue Jacket, assisting on the Opener of Defenseman Zach Verenskey at 3:32. (He another aid pair because Columbus ran away with it in the third.)
Wirenski made another tap for her fourth goal of the season at 18:30, forcing the ducks to feel like a disappointing reason.
The disappointment in the building deepened when Duck goalkeeper John Gibson incorrectly inspired the Pak back of his own net, giving the blue jacket a chance to kill Alex Texier, where Sean Kurly tapped in his eighth goal of the season.
Started playing at the center ice, forward mixed it as Ross Johnston of Duck, collided with Columbus’s Matthew Olivier. Neither a decisive shock, but the dustup was celebrated by both benches and lifted the energy in the stand.
Troy Terry broke the seal for duck at 9:07 when he took Pak to Columbus Zone and shot a wrist to the right shoulder of goalkeeper Daniel Tarasov.
“The game is a game of speed change in general, perhaps it’s not extreme,” said Terry. “I thought we had good legs as a team. I felt that we do skating. Just small mental mistakes brought us down 4–0. I was proud of how we struggle to come back. ,
Mason Mactavish made it 4–2 at 16:05, the defenseman Adam Bokvist out of the way, while assisted by Terry and Pavel Mintukov, set it from a point blank.
Blue jacket (18–27–10, 46 points) replaced Tarasov in the second period when team partner Adam Bokwist accidentally hit the goalkeeper on the face with his stick blade. Elvis Marzelikins, who allowed the first Kings to a handful of goals at night, did not stem the tide of duck.
MCTavish soon scored 17 goals in its second place of the night, Mintyukov and Terry again at 18:49 to defeating Merzlicin between the legs at 18:49.
After less than a minute, after remembering nine games after Arthroscopic Knee Surgery, Alex Kilhorn sent Arina into a frenzy, when his seventh goal of the season level the score to 4-All, which is giving a well-to-third assistance to Mantukov’s career-high third assistance. With a well -appointed pass.
“I felt that this was a good competition level from us in the second period,” Mactavish said. “At any time you score four goals in a game and you come back to tie it, you expect to get a point in the least game. I think we allow a slip to remove this way. ,
Columbus did not accept again and Duck’s rally was shy with the league-Best 11th return.
A chippy, a high-tricolor final frame scored three more goals for visitors with Tarsov back to Tarsov back to Tarsov back to Tarsov back (he saved 27 against 29 shots).
The 15th goal of the season of Yogaor Chinkhov stood in second place of Kurle’s night, and a small-arm empty-goal by Boon Jenner, his 18th, Duck’s five-game winning streak against Columbus, including a stretch, included nine wins against him.
Duck (20–34–2, 42 points) faces Kings at Arena on Saturday, and returns to the Honda Center on Sunday against Nashville.