Cumberland RI Mendon Rd. crash – NECN

A 17-year-old boy was killed in a serious accident in Cumberland, Road Island on Thursday night, some police are saying “heartbreaking-until now”.

The Cumberland police say the teenager was driving on Mendon Road around 10:45 pm when his vehicle was hitting another car as it was turning from Vivian Avenue to Mendon.

Police say Kishore’s car left the roadway, broke a telephone pole, hit a fire hydrant, and covered a big distance on the road before resting in the field of Grand Avenue.

Vunsocket Kishore, whose name has not been released, was partially evicted. Police said he was rushed to the Road Island Hospital, where he died of injuries. The driver of the second vehicle denied medical aid on the scene.

According to police, Kishore did not wear a seatbelt; They say that a tool was installed in his car to prevent the buckle from inserting the buckle. AAA tells the northeast WJAR that unfortunately, there are equipment that can be inserted into the seatbelt receiver to think that you are ready to stop the car from beeping.

The police also believe that speed and driving behavior were contributing to factors in this deadly accident.

“On behalf of the Cumberland Police Department, I express my condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of this young man. This tragic disadvantage of a young life is a heartbreaking, yet it is avoidable, ”in a statement by Camberland police chief Matthew Bainon. “I would always like to remind all motorists to wear my seatbelt and drive a safe, and proper, speed and manner.”

Mendon Road was closed for hours, opening again after 6 am on Friday.

People living nearby described a tragic scene to NBC10 Boston affiliate WJAR.

“It was beautiful, very painful. He killed my car, killed another, and light pole and fire hydrant. He hit a lot, so that he suffered a lot, he had to fly, flying, “Jacob Dillon told WJAR. “Sadly, this is unfortunate. This is a very sad scene. ,

An investigation is on.

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