Connor, Max Cumbee lift Joliet Catholic to state

Connar Kambi Jolit was excited about connecting the family atmosphere of Catholic wrestling.

Connor is a senior. His father, Ryan, is the coach of Hilltoppers. His half -brother, Grace Laord, is also a wrestler who has qualified for Girls State Meet. And this season has been a newcomer.

Connor’s cousin, Max, is a new person who immediately made a big difference.

“He and I are getting super closes,” Connor said that he and Max. “We were not sure that he was about to go to the high school. In the end, he was so, ‘I am going to go to JCA.’

“I was so,” Dude, let’s do it. We have a year together. Let’s make it special. “It has been very special. I love the child very much.”

Both Connor and Max won on Tuesday night as Jolit Catholic increased back to the state with a 46–18 win on Lincolnway East in Downers Grove South’s dual team section.

Max Cambi (113 pounds), Visconsin recruitment Dillon Johnson (285), Nico Roncheti (190), Luke Foster (106) and Jason Hampton (120) had pin for hilltopers.

Jolit will take the Catholic Mount Carmel-which route Marmen at a state quarterfinal at Grosinger Motors Arena in Bloomington at 5 pm on 70-5-Friday.

Northwestern Football Recruitment Caden O’Rurke (215) and Kevin Bayran (144) had PINs to lead Lincolnway East.

Jolit Catholic Conner Kambi wrestled Dominic Abuja of Lincoln-Way East during a 150 pound match of Class 3 A Downers Grove South Dual Dual Team Sectional match between Jolit Grove, on Tuesday 20 February 2024, Daily Southtown for Daily Southtown).Jolit Catholic Conner Kambi wrestled Dominic Abuja of Lincoln-Way East during a 150 pound match of Class 3 A Downers Grove South Dual Dual Team Sectional match between Jolit Grove, on Tuesday 20 February 2024, Daily Southtown for Daily Southtown).The fight against Jolit Catholic Connener Kambi, left, Lincoln-Way East’s Dominic Abuja in 150 pounds in 150 pounds on Tuesday during Class 3A Dual Team Sectional in Downers Grove South, on 2024, 2024. (Troy Stolt / Daily Southtown)

Connor Kambi put Finishing Touch on the first visit to the state in Class 3A for Hilltoppers, who won the Class 2A state title in 2021-22 and finished second in the last season.

He sealed the victory with a 3–2 victory over Domanic Abaja at 150 in the battle of individual state qualifiers mathematically. All times, Cumbee JCA wants to absorb its last week of wrestling.

Connor said, “Ever since I (Dad) were born with coaching, I have been on a high school scene.” “I will always look at seniors like, ‘Oh my God, how old people are, like 30?”

“Now, this is here for me. I am excited, though. This is time. I’m enjoying it. Saturday night comes, I am sure I will keep crying whether we win or lose. I love this team, and I like the program even more. ,

Ryan Kumbi appreciates his son’s passion for the team.

Ryan said, “Connor is not the most decorated personal athlete, but he is someone who loves his team very much.” He wants more success for the team than himself. “

Jolit Catholic's Max Cambi thanked Jette Theis of Lincoln-Way East during the 113 pound match of the match between Catholic and Lincoln-Vay East during the 113 pound match of Class 3A Downers Grove South Dual Team Sectional match at Downers Grove on Tuesday 2024. (Troy Stolt for Daily Southtown)Jolit Catholic's Max Cambi thanked Jette Theis of Lincoln-Way East during the 113 pound match of the match between Catholic and Lincoln-Vay East during the 113 pound match of Class 3A Downers Grove South Dual Team Sectional match at Downers Grove on Tuesday 2024. (Troy Stolt for Daily Southtown)Jolit Catholic’s Max Cambi introduced it on Tuesday, 20 February, 2024 during Class 3A Dual Team Sections at Dowrse Grove South in 113 pounds against Jetty These of Lincoln-Way East. (Troy Stolt / Daily Southtown)

Meanwhile, Max has done a big freshman season, which finished fifth as a person in the state.

“It’s been great here with my uncle and cousin,” Max said. “I have learned a lot and they have pushed me throughout the year. I have been made much better for coach Ryan for wrestling all season. ,

As an old cousin brother, Connor had to examine his feelings.

“When he kept in the kingdom, I got a little tear, I am not going to lie,” Connor said. “I have grown up with her and showed her a little, and now she is going to make her own mark.

“I am proud of him.”

Jolit Catholic Conner Kambi wrestled Dominic Abuja of Lincoln-Way East during a 150 pound match of Class 3 A Downers Grove South Dual Dual Team Sectional match between Jolit Grove, on Tuesday 20 February 2024, Daily Southtown for Daily Southtown).Jolit Catholic Conner Kambi wrestled Dominic Abuja of Lincoln-Way East during a 150 pound match of Class 3 A Downers Grove South Dual Dual Team Sectional match between Jolit Grove, on Tuesday 20 February 2024, Daily Southtown for Daily Southtown).Jolit Catholic Connener Kambi, left, Lincoln-way domainic Abuja of East on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 controls 150 pounds in 150 pounds in 150 pounds during Class 3A Dual Team Sectional at Downers Grove South at Downers Grove South. (Troy Stolt / Daily Southtown)

Max has some good role models to teach about their new team.

“Max has a year to see her cousin and she is to see what we expect here at Jolit Catholic,” Ryan said. “It is not just about the individual weather. This is the time for the team.

“And Max is happening.”

Ryan is also excited about the future of Max.

Ryan said, “This year he was getting to transition to my style of wrestling, which is a bit different.” “I really impressed how he has handled it, mentally.

“I think he is going to be one of my hammers for the coming years.”

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