Maryland Baltimore County Photo University.
This is the latest installment in a partnership on comments between Maryland Matters and the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Once a month, the UMBC faculty, employee or students will provide an program, course or issue and the state about its widespread relevance.
By Jennifer Spencer Heelman and Christine Rootzhan
Heilman Maryland is the Program Director for the Work Force Initiative at the Maryland Baltimore County University and manages the Maryland Technology Internship Program (MTIP). Routzan is the director of the Career Center at Umbc and oversees the development and distribution of internships, career discovery and workforce initiative. The MTIP is administered by the UMBC and run through its career center.
Technical internships play an important role in the nutrition and construction of vibrant innovation ecosystems. As students actively connect with local companies and startups, they bring new ideas, talent and unique approaches, promoting the development of the next generation of Maryland.
Most of the students who wish to maintain this trained and valuable workforce in our state, which desires Maryland Technology Internship Program (MTIP) to stay in Maryland and make it financially for small and local businesses, makes it an important player in Maryland’s workforce development.
MTIP is a proven initiative for Maryland employers to maintain top talent by expanding the availability of technical internships paid across the state. Administered by UMBC and financially supported by the state of Maryland, MTIP encourages technology-based businesses as well as state and local agencies, to increase its intern higher by providing matching intern and local agencies.
Since its inception in 2018, MTIP has provided the facility of technical internship paid more than 1,000 in Maryland, with biolyth/life sciences, engineering, IT/software solutions, cyber security and manufacturing in various industries. It outlines the importance of the program, statewide, theoretical classroom learning and reducing the difference between practical real -world applications in partnership with higher education institutions and several employers.
One of the primary objectives of the program is to maintain top talent within the Maryland post-graduation. Expressing interest in staying in the subsequent graduation of the field for his first job with more than 75% MTIP intern, MTIP not only cultivates a skilled workforce, but also promotes a sense of loyalty among emerging professionals. Maryland Technology Internship Program makes a route ranging from the college to future career. This retention of talent is important for the long -term economic prosperity of the state.
College students are eager to gain experience in their areas of interest. By interning, students have the opportunity to detect career options, apply skills learned in the classroom, strengthen their resumes and prepare for full -time entry into the workforce. Additionally, provides opportunities for students coming from all socio -economic backgrounds to offer paid internships. Our data suggests that 94% of MTIP intern’s intern felt better to enter his career after the conclusion of its experience.
A student and employer is participating in the Spring 2024 MTIP hiring event at UMBC. Umbc photo.
However, the student’s demand for internship often reduces availability. While the large corporations dominate the internship scenario, MTIP’s emphasis on supporting small businesses is notable. According to a career education company, 45% internship is currently introduced by companies with more than 10,000 employees, while about 90% of companies in the US are provided with only 4% of the posts with 50 or less employees despite falling into this category. We highlight that 89% of MTIP employers are small businesses with less than 150 employees, with a large majority less than 50 employees. The need to encourage small businesses to offer internships is clear. This is what programs like MTIP do.
The benefit of intern is also sufficient to employers; By increasing the ability to score projects, providing the ability to achieve new approaches, and of course, the possibility of transitioning intern in full -time roles within the company. Many employers say that without the support of MTIP, they would not have a means to support the intern otherwise. In fact, 88% of employers reported that his intern contributed to the development of his business and improved his organization in some capacity. MTIP offers the opportunity to compete for highly talented intern for small businesses.
In addition, by aligning with research parks and startup ecosystems, MTIP expands its access and highlights more students to enrich more students to enrich diverse career routes and educational experiences. MTIP’s strategic partnership with organizations such as BWTECH@UMBC Research and Technology Parks underlines the importance of cooperation in workforce development. For the convenience of recruitment, MTIP displays internship opportunities on behalf of these small businesses and hosts the events.
The Maryland Technology Internship program represents an important step towards supporting the nurture and its economic development of the technical talent pool of Maryland. The UMBC is honored for administering MTIPs, which is for Maryland’s commitment to the payment internship, support for small businesses, and strategic partnership, determining a promising base for its continuous expansion and success.
Since stakeholders continue to invest in initiatives like MTIP, they contribute not only to the professional development of students but also to the sustainable development of the workforce of Maryland. It is important that we continue to invest in programs like MTIP to secure a successful future for the coming generations.
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