Charleston to mark 75 years since Woolworth Department Store fire

Charleston, W.V. It has been 75 years since the death of seven firefighters, battling an explosion at the East Woolworth Department Store.

David hosques

On March 4, 1949, firefighters responded to a basement fire inside the Woolworth Building. The first floor gave the way and collapsed, causing the firefighters to be sent to smoke and flames. Some firefighters survived, but seven did not.

Thirteen firefighters were injured in the explosion.

Charleston Fire Captain David Hojes said that it is important to never forget his falling brothers, no matter how many years.

“I don’t think anyone is now alive who was in that fire; However, some are family members and we remain in touch. Traditionally every year we have a small wreath and have a small ceremony, ”he said.

A memorial plaque is located on the original building which is still on the corner of the capital and the quarrier roads.

Hodes said that on Monday, the city would shut down a part of Capital Street for some time, given the 75th anniversary this year. There will be a ceremony outside the building at 9 am, which is now located Rock City Cake Company.

He said, “We want to pursue it this year.”

The job is very dangerous in itself, Hodes said, so the annual function is a good reminder for firefighters in the department.

He said, “We really take the moment not only to remember the firefighters we have lost, but it is also a reality test for our current firefighters that things can happen,” he said.

Hodes said they are better prepared to respond to the fire than 75 years ago.

“Well, there was no technology 75 years ago. Fire -fighting service is constantly developing, and we have seen many changes for good in years, including too much training, ”he said.

It was the first one in the history of Charlston city.

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