Hollywood, Fla. , In view of the rift of Miami Beach, cities such as Fort Lauderdel and Hollywood are preparing for possible challenges during the holiday season.
In the last few weeks, Miami Beach Bay has been public about placing a spring breaker, including implementing some heavy restrictions such as closing the city parking lot, check points on the beaches, high toll fees and even curfew. These new measures have given rise to concerns that the general chaos can turn into a broward county.
While Fort Lauderdel and Hollywood beaches are not usually nuisance as the south beach during spring breaks, authorities are not letting their guards down.
To discourage any bad behavior, Fort Lauderdel plans to increase the parking fee by $ 100 a day during a spring break and the city has approved a high parking violation fine, with an increased fine of $ 125 for the expired meter.
Officials of Browd County are on high alert, especially during last year’s Memorial Day shooting on a broadwalk in Hollywood, who injured nine people.
In anticipation of an influx during the spring break 2024, the Browd County is expected to increase its safety. These include high parking fees, promoted law enforcement appearance, license plate readers and closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance cameras.
Additionally, Fort Lauderdel is reserved to the right yo close pavement cafe if things get busy in the area and Hollywood police officials said that there will be a ban on liquor, smoking and single-utilization plastic, firm and cooler rules and prohibition of animals on the broadwalk.
Although Miami Beach is planning to “break-up” with a spring break this year, all spring breakers are welcoming in places like Fort Lauderdel and Hollywood, but they all have to behave.
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