Bowdoin Station escalator remains out of service – NECN

When going inside the Bodoin station on the blue line in Boston, it is notable for people, what is not going on – an escalator.

George Ericson said, “This is beyond the meditation,” he asked to fly the stairs at T station on Thursday.

Returning from the appointment of a doctor at the nearby Massachusetts General Hospital, Ericson, he says that he allocates the T station, there is a conflict above and down the stairs each time.

“This is like a mount Everest for me with my bad knees,” he said.

The escalator at the Bodoin station is broken for a while. A person tracking on X TwitterIt is said that the escalator has been out of service for more than 680 days.

Boston City Counselor Ed Flyn is disappointed. Back in August 2022, he wrote a letter to MBTA, in which he asked to fix it, saying that the letter broke for five months.

“That escalator should have been fixed, it is important for residents, and for workers who use that train station,” Flyn said. “Disappointed but disappointed that we still have many challenges that not only stop this MBTA, but also stop in Greater Boston.”

T says that the steel truss of the escalator has been corroed and cannot be repaired. Instead a “major reconstruction effort” is running to establish a long unit that meets today’s security guidelines.

T said in a statement, “The safety of our riders is our top priority.” “Due to severe war that cannot be repaired, the Bodoin escalator will be out of service indefinitely.”

Ericson is not happy, returning from that appointment at MGH.

“It makes me think that to reflect everything the rest who does T which is slow and backward,” he said.

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