The first NFT-inspired restaurant of Miami recently cut her banana ribbon in Miami. Bored Cuba is a cafe centered around a very unique digital character. The deco app-weighting was in a grand opening to taste food and it was no monkey business.
A bored monkey and a Cuba mixed together. He left the virtual world and opened a bored Cuba Cafe in the real streets of Miami.
Eric Castylonos, the owner of Bored Cuba: “bored app is actually a 10,000 unique digital art. Originally cartoon apes. So mine, who is bored Cuba, is the only with a Guybera and cigar. The bored app is very good about the yacht club that you are really able to use IP for whatever you want.”
Celebs such as Eminem and Snup Dog used their popular monkeys “from D2 the LBC” in music videos.
Eric and Kali Castalonos were not running monkeys with their digital assets. He decided to focus his primet around a restaurant with real food.
Eric Castalonos: “I was thinking ‘well, I am in Cuban’s food business, so why not create a concept that I can play with boredom.”
Kali Castalonos: “The name is a little away from the name bored, but we are Cuba so we named it” bored cuban “. Although nothing is boring about us or this place.”
“Manolo” is his mascot and there is always a house for him in this quick-eating restaurant.
Kali Castalonos: “Manolo likes to eat bananas. He pose with banana, he dances with bananas. I’m not really sure what he does with those bananas, but I think it’s his personal time Laughing
Any hobby on your days Manolo?
Manolo: “I like to cook and join banana cream pies, what?”
Tell us about food.
Black Castalonos: “Some of the things we have are fun and different Cuba pop tarts. We have pizza and we have everything for traditional crochets or baked Empanada, not really fried. ,
And yes, what is the Cuba Cafe without coffee?
Black Castalonos: “And then we have a really funny drink for children. We have something called Chunky Bandar. Other people go here that the first thing they are going to feel is like a quiet road Miami Vibe. ,
There is also one type of goods designed by local artists.
Eric Castalonos: “The idea here is to collaborate with other artists and do another row of another T-shirt, hoodi hats. Include everyone in the community. ,
Christina Pastori: “We are only used to the Latin cafes, but so it is very different vibe and I like how fashionable it was. Children suffer from Mac-N-Paneer. My youngest always asks for this and the oldest is a very picker and it is also approved by him. ,
You can try to exclude Salsa Manolo in bored Cuba starting at 7 am every day.
For more information: bored cuban 831 NW 42nd Avenue, Miami, FL 331267 from 9 PMHTTPS: //
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