Bodycam video shows DUI arrest of Miami Police officer found passed out with gun in lap – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports

Miami (WSVN)-The body camera video depicts an off-duty city of the Miami police officer who is ending in the opposite direction of the law, when fellow officials found that he passes the back of the wheel with a gun on his lap.

The footage obtained by 7news, the Miami captures police officers, who arrests one of their own on suspicion of driving under influence, but is not all.

Miami’s police chief manual Morales said, “He came to know that the person was catching as a gun.”

Police officials of Miami-Dade schools said that she went down on 31 October on the morning of 31 October with Northwest 62 Street. A moment later, he saw the gun.

Miami police units responded to the area by the police of Miami-Dade schools that the police alerted him about strange discoveries.

“You know who he is, isn’t it?” An answer officer said.

“This is an officer,” said another answer officer said.

One of the officials is surprised.

,[Expletive] As 16 [expletive]Also, “an official said.

“Sixteen” is a police code for someone who is driving under influence. It is now facing Miami police officer Jovanih Sauvagare.

A police officer from Miami-Dade schools heard the Miami police officer in the video, “We used to keep it at the tip of the gun.”

The police officer of Miami-Dade schools shared the details of his encounter and saw the sleeping man in his car.

“I’m beating, I am blasting. He finally pulled the window down, and I told him, “Put the car in the park,” the officer said. “They put the car in the park. I saw that there was a gun in his lap. ,

The handgan was later placed on a Miami police vehicle when Sauwagare was taken into custody.

Officials busted the North West 62nd Street during the morning crowd while looking like a police conference.

His arrest again ended in an ambulance.

In the arrest report, Sauvagare is described as a “slad speech” and “a strong smell of an alcoholic beverage” from his breath.

“Sleeping, behind the wheel,” said Morales.

Morales said that Sovegere got relief from an investigation pending duty. Police said on Thursday that this is still the case.

After the arrest of Sauvagare, a 7news crew went to his house. No person inside the residence felt like commenting on arrest or DUI charge.

Bodycam video captured one of the officers who questioned Sauvagere.

“You have no other – nothing else on you?” An answer officer said.

“No,” Sauvagare said.

“No knife, nothing?” The officer who replied said.

“Nothing like that,” said Sauvagare.

The office of Miami-Dad State Attorney said that it is still an active traffic criminal case.

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