Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’ and takes aim at Trump during fundraiser for 2024 election – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports

San Francisco (AP) – On Wednesday night, during a money rage for his reunion campaign, the President Joe Biden called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “Crazy Sob” and targeted the comments of former President Donald Trump and compared himself to the Russian opposition leader, who died in an archi jail last week.

Biden was talking about climate change when he said, “We have a crazy sob like Putin and others, and we will always have to worry about nuclear conflict, but existing danger to humanity is climate.”

Speaking to donors at a private San Francisco house on Wednesday as part of the three -day California swing to raise money for its 2024 reunion campaign, Biden also said that he was stained by the recent comments made by his potential Republican Challenger.

Trump imposed a fine of $ 350 million with his legal troubles in the US Trump compared to the death of a suspected prison of Russian opposition leader Alexi Navalni, when a New York judge found that he had lied for years about his money on financial statements in his companies. Trump said that the ruling was a form of “communism or fascism”.

“Some things that are saying this partner, just as she is comparing himself to Navalni and saying – because our country has become a communist country, it was persecuted, as Navalani was persecuted. Just as Navalani was persecuted. I don’t know where this hell comes from,” Biden said.

“I mean, if I was standing here 10, 15 years ago and any of it said, you all feel that I should be committed,” he said. “It surprises me.”

“I have been around a long time and I have never seen a crowd like this Maga Republican crowd,” Biden said, referring to Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again”. “They think what is important for people, there is very little moral compass on it.”

During the funding of an expedition at Beverly Hills on Tuesday night, Biden highlighted his efforts to help the middle class Americans and warned that a win for Trump in November could cause nationwide abortion ban, more Republican efforts to undo the health insurance program started during President Barack Obama’s administration and would help more policies.

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