Are some jobs and industry obsolete with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Job Automation attack? Yes, but studies show that whatever AI is not changing, they are jobs that require soft skills – or spontaneously human skills.
As AI capabilities move rapidly and more companies take opportunities to use automation, how can you ensure that your child will be a highly qualified candidate who will not only be hired, but will be employed even after graduation? The answer lies in career technical education (CTE) – but not all CTE programs are the same. Students require a CTE program that emphasizes the development of soft skills in addition to technical training.
Since its debut in 1917, CTE has prepared students to work in a wide range of students and businesses such as agriculture, information technology, health science, finance, stem and transport, to make some names. Traditionally, CTE students have learned difficult technical skills through academic courses, hands training, advice and internship.
And while CTE helps students develop important skills for industry-specific roles, the lack of certain programs is the development of soft skills, including professionalism and functioning morality; Adaptability and active education; Communications; Teamwork and cooperation; Excitement; Important thinking and solution to the problem; And the ability to manage network or others.
This is clarified through a recent study in which 94% of human resource professionals stated that they are struggling to find eligible candidates to fill the roles. And while some roles require technical skills which are rare in the candidates, according to the respondents, in fact there is a lack of candidates, softened skills, especially work is moral, communication and teamwork.
So how do you ensure that you are choosing a CTE program that will help your child develop soft skills and make them a highly desirable candidate with a low risk of losing your job for automation? A solution is to select a CTE program that uses project-based learning (PBL) as a foundation.
PBL is a teaching method that exposes students to real -world problems and complex challenges that they can face after graduation. These projects take many of time, effort, and soft skills listed above – to reach a adequate solution – one -maximum, significant thinking and problem. Not only do students get hand training and application, but they also learn to customize and remove issues that are not always addressed in textbooks. In addition, the emphasis on adaptability can help them prepare them for industry changes as AI advances.
With PBL, students learn to use their technical and soft skills to develop in individuals ready for career. And studies suggest that PBL is effective-according to the Spic Op Research Project, 76% of the principals say that PBL develops cooperation and teamwork skills, while 75% of the parents say that PBL prepared its children with authentic, real-world problems-concert experiences.
Online schools such as West Virginia Virtual Academy use PBL for many courses and is integral to their career Prep program. Teachers act as coaches and facilitators as students work together through complex real-world issues-they use the collaborative efforts to be used after being a master.
Let’s face it – the modern workplace is changing, and it is changing rapidly. Each student needs to be prepared with a set of skills that cannot be replaced by AI, and as parents, we need to ensure that our children get a well-round technical education that promotes soft skills. Although we cannot guess how AI will change jobs and industries in the future, the prediction we can make is that the AI will continue to change the workplace. This is the time to prepare our children by building skills that will make them irreparable in a high technical world.