Astronomers find what may be the universe’s brightest object with a black hole devouring a sun a day – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports

Cape Canavaveral, Fla. (AP) – Astronomers have discovered what can be the most bright object in the universe, a quaser with a black hole in its heart is growing so fast that it swallows equal to the Sun in a day.

The record-breaking quaser shines 500 trillion fold shining compared to our sun. The black hole, which is powering this distant Quaser, is 17 billion times higher than our sun, an Australian -led team reported in the Nature Astronomy Journal on Monday.

While the quasar images resemble the only dot, scientists imagine a cruel place.

The rotating disk-luminous gas around the black hole of the Quasser is like a cosmic storm from the goblade-up stars from the rotating gas and other cases.

Christian Wolf, the lead author of the Australian National University, said in an email, “This quasar is the most violent place we know in the universe.”

The European Southern Observatory saw the object, J0529–4351 during the 1980 Akash Survey, but was considered a star. It was not identified as a paramilitary – the extremely active and bright core of a galaxy – until last year. Overview by telescopes in Australia and Chile’s Atakama Desert received it.

Priyamwara Natarajan of Yale University, who was not involved in the study, said, “The exciting thing about this quaser is that it was hidden in a simple vision and was earlier misunderstood as a star.”

These later observations and computer modeling have determined that Quaser is equal to 370 suns in a year – approx in a day. Further analysis shows that the mass of black hole is like our sun 17 to 19 billion times, according to the team. More comments are required to understand its growth rate.

The Quaser is 12 billion light years away and is around from the early days of the universe. A light-year is 5.8 trillion miles.

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