A recipe to revive the American Dream in 2024 – Daily News

If you read the news, you have probably seen “bad vibes” around the American dream. Opinion polls to best selling books and cute comic books. Unanimous unanimous says the American Dream is out of reach for Americans everyday.

But, like the contradiction around the “vibes” economy, public emotion does not coincide with essential personal experience. In fact, when the Arcabridge Institute was asked about his own American dreams in a survey of 24 percent of Americans, it said that it is out of reach for their family. Three of the rest of the Americans – they have either achieved it or are on their way to achieve it.

Conversely that recently with Wall Street Journal Pollin, in which 63 percent claimed American dreams – if you work hard, you will move forward – this is not true. So what is going on? Why are people privately optimistic but publicly negative about American dreams, and what can we do to bend it?

A simple interpretation is that negative media is promoting public spirit, and most people have a more accurate understanding of their own finance and economic future. Another interpretation is that we see the external signs of American dreams in others – think of money or home ownership – while our personal assessment includes features such as grit, family, meaning and purpose. Data to support this: The same Arcabridge Institute Survey found that most Americans feel that “how to live freedom of choice” and “a good family life” are essential for their approach about American dreams , Whereas only 14 percent “described” rich “as essential.

The good news is that there is a recipe for Americans to reinforce the dream. First and most important, sound economic policy is important. States that have a better environment for social mobility – a major component of American dreams – have less obstacles for entrepreneurship, low business licensing, friendship for business, and more business dynamics in various matrix.

For example, uta is famous for its social mobility in large parts due to the dynamics of its business. Unlike states such as California, Utah companies and individuals are not overwhelmed by red tape, focusing on their efforts rather than real business activities. While corruption and hunter state action weakens individuals and private sector, free-market and regulatory reforms, making businesses easy for big and small people to survive and flourish across the US, while individuals Create more routes to succeed.

But, in addition to policy reform, we also need hope, development and psychological components of the agency. Unfortunately, these materials are in low supply at the national level. First of all, let’s look at Asha. Hope is an important component of American Dream, because James Truslo Adams wrote, American Dream is about pursuing a life that is “better and rich for every man” is better and rich and full, its ability or achievement for each With opportunity according to. “The future is required for the future to believe in a better, rich and full life. However, the wave of” dumorism “on both sides of the corridor threatens to become a self-conscience.

According to our recent researcher, 80 percent of Americans say they are hopeful for their future and future of their family, but only 56 percent claim that they are hopeful for the future of the United States. In other words, to increase confidence in American dreams, our leaders need to inspire more optimistic and positive vision of the future.

Psychology tells us that, when we feel anxious or under attack, we become less optimistic and retreat in a defensive mindset that is not compatible with a dynamic approach of ourselves and the world. Today, more Americans are embracing a defensive mindset. Democrats and Republican are afraid that they are being attacked by telling us the way our life, our culture and our democracy. Increasing alarmism, Americans are more concerned, more relying less of institutions than in the past. Facing such an alleged disaster, what do Americans have to do but retreat in defensive mode?

Here we turn to the agency. The agency is fundamental for Asha, Vikas and American dreams. Maintaining an agent, an aspiring approach allows people to have big dreams, set goals, remove obstacles and meet the promise of American dreams. The agency is not about “pull himself by its bootstrap” or going alone; Rather, it embraces a person’s unique abilities and ability to self -determination. When we understand that we are under the control of our life (and not only the circumstances), we naturally become more optimistic and oriented towards development. Not only this, we also recognize our ability to help others and make positive contribution to our community and country.

To revive a national belief in American Dream, we need leaders to promote an expected vision of the future, a development mindset and a agent story. As Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, and others have shown, these topics can pursue electoral success and improve public emotion.

But we should not trust our leaders alone. Each of us, as individuals, can share us to restore hope in the American dream by rejecting domorism, defensive and victims. In 2024, America needs to be inhabited by people who want to contribute positively to society and help others to do so.

Gonzalo serves as Chairman and CEO of the Schwarz Archbridge Institute.

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