Lansing officials hope to market Ford Hangar after renovation

The renewal at Ford Hanger at Lansing Municipal Airport will be closed over the next few years as village officials discussed schemes and funding sources.

Village officials want Ford Hangar to become an event space, Kane Rrenalds, Director of Venue Operation said, and it will require roof renewal, climate control and bathroom.

Since 1985, the Ford Hangar has been on the national register of historical places, which means that all renewal will have to be planned carefully and Illinois is to be approved by the historic conservation agency, the Reynolds said.

“We have to ensure that integrity and hangers themselves are as preserved as possible in their original position,” said the Reynolds. “We have to take into account the original structure and original building.”

The Ford Hanger is shown on Friday, October 26, 2018 at the Lanceing Municipal Airport. Hangars were built in the 1920s and listed in the national register of historical places in 1985. (Ted Sloic/Daily Southartown)The Ford Hanger is shown on Friday, October 26, 2018 at the Lanceing Municipal Airport. Hangars were built in the 1920s and listed in the national register of historical places in 1985. (Ted Sloic/Daily Southartown)Ford Hangar at Lencing Municipal Airport in 2018. Hangars were built in the 1920s and listed in the national register of historical places in 1985. (Ted Sloic/Daily Southartown)

Reynolds stated that until a few years ago, the Federal Aviation Administration requires any event in the Ford Hagar, which has a aviation connection. When that rule changed, Rrenalds said, village officials started organizing the event.

Reynolds said the 125 anniversary of the village was celebrated in Hangar in 2018. Since then, events include economic summit, weddings, a funderizer and a young song playing.

Reynolds said that people have demanded to rent a hangar for birthday parties or high school dance photo sessions.

“Appeal, and where we are going with it, is that everyone wants to stay in a unique place.” “This uniqueness is one that attracts people, and obviously history.”

Automeker Legend Henry Ford bought 1,400 acres of land for the airport in 1925, Lanceing Mayor Patty Eidam, who did large -scale research at the airport when he was the president of the Lanceing Historical Society.

Work on Ford Hangar began in January 1926, and was built within a year, Edam said. American Airlines used a part of it as a passenger terminal from 1928 to 1933, before transferring his terminal to Midway Airport in Chicago, he said.

Architecture has no middle support beams, and rails and windows wrap inside the building to open and close the hangar doors. The windows are divided into rectangles and then each rectangle has small rectangles.

The Gram Board is discussing the liquor license for Ford Hangars to attract more events.

Reynolds said that when a program is now held there, the village Flex licensed for the hangar to the Fox Point Amphetheater downtown, and then all the supply is transferred. Every time this happens, according to a board memo, the state is paid a $ 150 fee.

Trustee Saad Abbasi said that he supports the liquor license for the hangar so that the village can manage liquor license and consumption.

The architecture of Ford Hangar was innovative for its time, said, The architecture of Ford Hangar was innovative for its time, said,

Alexandra Kukulka / Daily Southartown

The architecture of Ford Hangar was innovative for its time, said, “there is no middle support beam.” Rails were used to open and close the hangar doors and windows around the inside of the building. (Alexandra Kukulka/Daily Southtown)

The roof of the hanger will be repaired in this spring, Rrenalds said, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity was paid for a grant of $ 500,000.

With the roof repair, the Rrenalds stated that it would be able to shorten the “hangar 101 speech”, in which he asks potential tenants to expect a leak if it rains.

Reynolds said that the village wants to change windows and do more masonry work. In recent years, Rrenalds stated that some masonry work was done to restore the structure.

“It is an old building that has been in elements for 100 years. Therefore, to ensure that it is structurally secure-which is-but re-applying those things, ”said the Reynolds.

Reynolds said that village officials are finding out how to implement climate control. An early idea is to build a structure within the space to help control climate control without decrying the exterior.

The design of the Soldier Field in Chicago is an example, Rrenolds said, where a new stadium was built within the historical columns.

Reynolds said, “Think that, an idea of ​​some kind, which will allow us to attach the temperature to attach and control,” Renolds said.

Reynolds said that village officials also want to create an annex for the bathroom. When hired for space phenomena, he said, the host will have to provide a portable bathroom.

Reynolds stated that Annex could be built on the west of the building.

Reynolds stated that climate control and attachment space have been discussed only, while roofs and structural renewal are ahead.

Abbasi said that a lot of discussion about the hangar is making sure that space is usable. Most importantly, he said, to ensure that whatever work is done, he respects the designation of the building as a historical landmark.

“The future for the space is an exciting,” Abbasi said, “being able to maintain it and make it favorable for guests.

To fund the work, Rrenalds said that village officials are doing research and applying for grant and considering the funding of the village, which will have to be approved by the village board.

“It is a matter of multi-year. Reynolds said that the amount of money will be sufficient to get it, but it will be enough, but it would be a matter of growing there.

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