A ‘person of interest’ in the disappearance of 11-year-old Audrii Cunningham appeared to help in the search, sheriff says – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports


Don Steven McDogal was arrested on Friday in an unrelated aroused attack case and has not been charged with the disappearance of Cunningham. But a day earlier, after disappearing on the way to the audary school, McDogugal was seen giving the presence of help, Sheriff Bayran Leone said.

“Some witnesses have also said that he was in the community and was knocking at the door … asking that he saw him,” Sheriff told CNN.

“For me, it simply tells me that he is trying to show off that he has no drama or he is not a mistake in his disappearance and part of the parties concerned who were trying to find out.”

CNN has tried to find a lawyer’s information for McDogal and has also reached his family for comment.

The Audary’s father’s friend McDogal, lives in a trailer on family property and sometimes takes the audri to the bus stop, Sheriff said.

According to Texas Parks and Wildlife, the family house is near Lake Livingston – “one of the largest reservoirs in the state, with 83,000 surface acres,”.

Officials said that at around 7 am on Thursday morning, McDogel and Audri left home for the bus stop. The last time he saw him by the Audari’s family. He never made it in school bus or school that day.

McDogel did not tell investigators if they left the audary at the bus stop on Thursday morning, Sheriff said. But “I am confident that he is our number one,” Leon told CNN.

One of the few clues made public in the disappearance of the audri may be a red “Hello Kitty” backpack, which she was to take to school with her.

A “small backpack that was probably belonging to a child, Lake was located near Lake Livingstone Dam on Friday”, Sheriff’s Office said.

“We were enough to believe that it was the audary backpack to believe CNN told CNN.”

But the hideout of the young girl remains a mystery. Authorities have initiated a criminal investigation and play dishonestly, but have not provided additional details.

Sheriff said that he hoped cell phones and video analysis will help in further investigation.

“I am not giving hope,” Leons told CNN. “I think she can still be alive.”

Polca County Crime Stoppers have announced a reward of $ 10,000 for the leading information for the arrest of the audary being responsible for the disappearance.

The audary is white with fair hair and blue eyes. It is about 4 feet, 1 inch long and weighs about 75 pounds, the office of Sheriff said. The girl was last seen wearing black pants, with white letting a black hoodi and black high tennis shoes.

The authorities asked anyone with information to call the Polk County Sheriff Office on 936-327-6810 with information or to submit an anonymous tip online.

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