In Michigan GOP court fight, Kristina Karamo loses first round

In a judgment from the bench, Judge of Kent County J. Joseph Rossi rejected Karmo’s argument that Michigan GOP leadership dispute is for a “political question” that the courts cannot decide. He also claimed that Karmo was entitled to special security as a state officer – which he is not.

“Therefore, the completeness of the proposal to dismiss the matter has been denied at this time,” Rossi said in a clarification of about 30 minutes.


The decision sets the platform for continuous arguments on Wednesday and Thursday, when Rossi is ready to consider a separate request for Karmo’s initial prohibition and announcement by critics that he is no longer a chair.

Rossi acknowledged the urgency of the case: Michigan GOP is ready to hold a Cocks Conference on March 2 which will help decide whether Donald Trump or Nikki Haley would be the party’s presidential candidate.

Karmo is organizing a conference at Huntington Place in Detroit. Hocastra, who recognized Trump as the president of the state party, said that he is planning a separate conference last week, but has not yet announced a place in public.

The trial included former Karmo co-chairman Malinda Pego, Administrative Vice President Ali Hosain, Vice President of the coalition Hassan Neme, 8th Congress District President Anne Delicle and other state committee members who voted on 6 January to remove Karmo.

“We are very happy with the court’s decision,” Jonathan Loderbach, a lawyer of the plaintiff, told reporters after Tuesday’s hearing. “We look forward to the next two days.”

Donald Campbell, a lawyer from Karmo, said he praised the “Judge’s views”, but rejected further remarks on the ongoing matter.

A ‘coup’ or ‘appropriate’ ouster?

In oral arguments, Campbell compared the vote for a “coup” on 6 January, about 40 state committee members voted to remove Karmo, but at least 53 others have voted for them to confirm them as the president of the state party.

Campbell said, “Whatever we will have, it is a true drought of the party by a minority … To remove our democratically chosen chair,” referring to the representative vote of February 2023, which Karmo won to become the president of the state party.

“The family never meets, but they are still family,” they said. “This is a classic intra-party political dispute that the court should not take.”

Last year, Karmo’s election completed the acquisition of the state party at a ground level by the workers on a large scale for action by Trump. But his tenure is marked by controversy, including significant funds raising conflicts and internal quarrels, including at least two physical changes.

Trump has abandoned Karmo effectively and re -recognized Hocistra as Michigan GOP President at the Oklaland County Rally on Saturday. The Republican National Committee has also ruled in favor of Hokestra, but Karmo has argued that RNC has no right over the state party and has refused to step aside.

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