Dekalb – Dekalb City leaders are proceeding with a plan to conduct a study to determine whether it is possible to establish an increase with an increase with South Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth Street Corridor from Taylor Street to Interstate 88.
In a recent public meeting, the Dekalb City Council authorized an advisory agreement with PGAV Planners LLC at St. Louis, to take a second look at the proposed redevelopment project boundaries, which at this time offers a broader area.
The last time the city had studied the South Fourth Street Corridor to determine its viability for establishing the dates of a TIF district by February 2013, as per the city documents. The redevelopment project area included about 53 acres of land, including about 10 acres of rights and about 70 parcels of private immovable property.
In a memorandum by the council, city employees argued that private redevelopment is necessary, but private equity is not largely clear.
City Manager Bill Niklas urged the council to support the city’s plan to study a feasibility study to set up a TIF redevelopment project with the South Fourth Street Corridor.
“The only way to see it is to assess it and the only way to assess it is to bring some people at this point that can do it and do it out and do it in the appropriate time,” Niklas said.
A TIF district is an economic equipment, often used to create a pool of revenue, which is used over time to improve a specific area, in which diluted buildings are used, to fix, infrastructure requirement or help in new or growing businesses.
The PGAV planners were listed to demonstrate the required consulting services to prepare eligibility findings by the city and also draft a redevelopment plan for approximately $ 50,000, showing city documents.
The South Fourth Street Corridor has been old in terms of physical appearance over years. It has also lost its share of commercial activity with the conclusion of restaurants, grocery stores and other businesses.
Meanwhile, the Arabs have been invested in industrial development to the south of the I-88 right-off-way, which cuts the south fourth street south of the Fairview Drive, the city’s document show.
The fourth ward Alderman Greg Perkins mentioned several businesses which are no longer in business and how the city council has worked hard to fill the vacancies because they arise.
For example, a KFC restaurant with South Fourth Street was that Decalab city leaders tried only to redevelop for plans that they did not get stuck.
“My point is, there is a real need in that major area of our community,” Perkins said. “It is a developing piece of our community. So, the question becomes then how are you going to meet the need well? I think some professionals include at a glance and in guidance is a great first step to hold our hands. I am 100%behind it. ,
The proposed study area, if approved, shows about 342 acres and 626 lots, city documents.
The fifth ward Alderman Scott McAidams stated that it stands behind its decision to support the city’s TIF redevelopment project area and is planning to pursue a feasibility study.
“I strongly recommend that we look at it and we spend money to see in financing,” McAidams said. “Hopefully, there are numbers. I would now like to redevelop the fourth Street that we have done a lot of redevelopment. ,
TIF feasibility studies The city costs around $ 44,500, showing city documents.
A report on the assessment of parcel surveys and infrastructure is expected to be in 60 to 90 days, the point at which another review by the city staff and advisory team may take one month.
The city’s TIF redevelopment feasibility studies and the recommendations of the employees can be a special joint review board meeting of all affected area to review the conclusions of the recommendations, showing the city documents.