Newsom’s fracking ban is just a feel good gesture that won’t do much – Daily News

The atmosphere is about all about the 2021 phase of the village Gavin Newsom that is getting out of hydraulic fracting for oil. The Geological Energy Management Division of the California Department of Conservation recently issued a notice of a proposed regulation amendment, under which it would not approve the application for permits to conduct a good stimulation treatments. ” A hearing has been scheduled for 26 March.

Injects fluids in rock structures to exclude fracting gas and oil. The oil industry says it is safe. Environmentalists maintain that it damages the environment and health of local residents. Spokesperson Jacob Ropper said the change would promote the department’s ability to prevent life, health, property, and natural resources “and the ability to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Actually, the final permits were released in 2021 in anticipation of this change.

Fracting restrictions will not have much impact on prices on the pump as the California oil industry floats in a global market, explaining the energy economics professor Robert Michaels at the Cal State Fulrteon.

“Banning on fracting is basically just a gesture because it is not a very large part of the California energy supply,” he said.

Last December, the department’s Geological Management Energy Division estimated that the state’s economy would decrease by $ 190 million in 10 years, with an increase in health and other benefits of $ 140 million. The state income tax receipts from the ban will cut $ 53 million per year. Fracking occurs only in Cairn County, whose property tax revenue will be less than 1%.

It is part of the state ban on new gasoline-operated vehicles by 2035. As Newsom said in 2021, “I have made it clear that I do not see any role for fracting in that future and similarly, California needs to go beyond oil.”

But this is not going to happen, Michaels said. “This is something that California feels good.” The EVS currently consists of 20% of the state’s vehicles. But for the first time the sale fell in the second half of the previous year, reporting the Los Angeles Times. Problems include the preference of Americans for large SUVs, who require large and heavy batteries, not enough charger. The California Energy Department calculated only 93,855 Charges, which are online compared to 250,000 of the plan planned for 2025.

In addition, solar energy, which is considered to replace plants powered by coal and gas, dominate in China – which has problems with the United States on Taiwan and other issues. The reduction in conservationist inflation of 2022 President Biden Acts high tariffs on Chinese solar panels. He backfed. On 6 February, the Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese companies transferred production to Mexico – where plants receive American taxpayer subsidy under IRA.

The fact is that these good policies may look good for politicians seeking high position – in the case of Newsom, eventually the highest office in the land. But they have a little practical effect. As a approach to 2035 100% renewable time limit, the driver and car dealer will pressurize the politicians to remove the policy from a rock.

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