In northern Michigan, voters admit qualms about Trump, still will vote for him

“Now we know how great those policies were (during the Trump Presidency) and how terrible the policies of Biden are,” he said. “America felt better about itself. Now, it is as if a sail has fallen in the country. ,

Since he had quit the post, Trump has been entangled in four criminal cases, a civil case that found him financially responsible for sexual abuse and defamation and another citizen case that found him financially liable for fraud.

His supporters say that cases have only rigid their loyalty.

Don Edwards, the current president of a former Sheriff and County Commissioners in Montamourncy, said, “They are charging with him with all these strange things, all this is all political.” “He becomes more popular as he charges him.”

The nation is ‘going down the tube’

Montamourncy bills himself as Michigan’s Elk Capital. A large, mounted Elk Head congratulates visitors at the front door of the county office building, and the county flag contains an alk and a wild turkey.

There is an Elk Festival in September and an alk pole to kill on the early weekend of the hunting season organized by the Chamber of Commerce.

In this county of 9,200 people, specific resident state earns less than average and qualifies for AARP. County residents are 56, the third oldest age in the state, which is 56 years old as compared to the age of 39. The middle domestic income is the fourth lowest in Michigan, below the state average $ 20,000 (compared to $ 43,000, $ 63,000).

Edwards and fellow commissioner Lloyd Peltier reiterated that many people talking to the bridge said: The country is in terrible shape, and they are fed up with politicians.

“Since my father’s time, it has progressively deteriorated,” Peltier said, who served 30 years in the army and retired as a captain in military police. “I think (country) is about to fall from within.”

Edwards nodded in the agreement. “It is going under the tubes and I don’t see any change in the future, I really do not,” he said. “I think it’s too late to choose things to fix things.”

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