Waltham School retires mascot referencing Native Americans – Shaw Local

There will be a new mascot in the Waltham Elementary. The board retired its former mascot on Wednesday, with no replacement mascot yet.

The Utika-region school bus will be the Vaulthaem Elementary for the rest of the year for the rest of the year.

There was no discussion unanimously before the vote. Superintendent Christie Agar confirmed that a replacement mascot is pending. A proposed replacement, redhox, was discussed prominently in previous meetings.

“The Pokagon Band Recognition Outreach Board would like to appreciate the Waltham Elementary School for his efforts to retire its mascot.”

– Madolin Vesaw, Pokgan Band President of Potavatomy

A group that advocated the mascot change voted. The former mascot of the school was defined as “slurry, aggressive, old-fashioned, as” used as a derogatory and contempt term for an American Indian “and a dictionary of Oxford Lerner” and as a dictionary of Oxford Learner. “

Melinda Magkurtha, a member of the Walthaim mascot Re-Brand, said, “We are very appreciated by the school and intensifying the retirement of the current mascot.”

Magerkurt also presented a copy of a letter published on the letterhead of an original American group. However, not dated, Magkurtha said that he received a letter from Pokaagon band of Potavatomy on 15 February.

Outreach Board Chairman Madoline Vesaw wrote, “The Pokagon Band Representation of the Outreach Board would like to appreciate the Waltham Elementary School for efforts to retire its mascot.” “Their functions display a commitment to provide a safe learning environment for all their students.”

In other cases, the school board:

The declared nomination sits at 258, two new students increased due to increase in

Confirmed graduation remains scheduled for Wednesday, 22 May

The declared registration fee will remain unchanged, save for an increase of $ 5 in preschool fee. Milk bid is pending, however, therefore milk prices can be adjusted yet

Next Wednesday meets on 20 March

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