Skunk spray season has arrived in Michigan. And that stinks

While there is more likely to escape far away than the skin spray, they will do so if they think they have been taken away by a pet or a hunter.


Alexander Stretch, a veterinarian of the staff of the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association, said that dog owners should think before going out of their pets before going out of their pets.

Stretch said, “Having a non-ritual lease preferred pet owners to manage the ability to manage the distance, which makes their dog more easily away from them.”

“Returning lease can allow your dog to move away from desired if your response time is not enough to stop the long time of the lease.”

Swami should check his surroundings before going out for a bathroom break to his beloved friend, especially when it is dark, Strach said. Instead, pets should be supervised to ensure that they are not very favorable with the scank, or in another way.

Beware of rabies, also: Excessively favorable behavior by the scank can be a sign that they have viral disease.

This means that “it is also important that dogs are updated on their original vaccination, especially rabies that there is a possibility that a scank and dog conversation can transfer rabies,” Stretch said.

What to do if your dog is sprayed

If a dog is for spraying, the stretch advises that the owners of the pets immediately wash your dog with lukewarm water – if possible, to avoid home contamination.

“Special attention should be paid to eye care,” he said. “Luke hot or tap water temperature water can be poured over the dog’s eyes if the dog’s head is placed.”

You can buy special square spray shampoo, but you can also treat your own squeezed smell by mixing hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish detergent. How to know here

Why Skunks Spray

Skunks usually hesitate to spray because how dry it is on their body, but that all changes in the breeding season, a wildlife outreach coordinator for the wildlife division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, said Rachel Lincoln.

If a pet walks in a scank in the backyard during the sexual intercourse, “it is going to spray immediately,” he said. “And so that’s why we scorched much more often during this time of this year.”

Before a squeak spray, it will increase its tail and stand on its ground. It will then stomp on its foreley in a handstand such as dancing to intimidate predators.

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