Q. Honak: I have re -prepared road addresses, city and zip code from the department of my motor vehicle registration paperwork that usually goes to the dashboard. Does it violate any law? The garage door opener is in the car, so thieves can go away from home in my car, learn where I live and get entry into the garage. The DMV registration card should not show where you live.
– Bruno Gutrez, Colon
A. You cannot change the registration card, Bruno, or you can withstand a fixed-steg ticket or a quotation for a violation, Jake Cleanage Officer and a spokesman for the California Highway Petrol. How such a violation is handled is the conscience of an officer.
Officer Sanchez understood your safety concerns, and offered some ideas.
Put it in your wallet in it, or perhaps a C-Through photo is attached to you in the sleeve, so it is always with you when you drive.
Or take out a PO box and detect on registration, allowed by DMV with the license of your type of driver.
Now, if someone makes a fake registration card or forms one to mislead the authorities, it becomes quite high.
Sanchez said, “This will be a hooliganism of things.”
By the way, an officer can draw the information of registration through the computer in his squad car, so the database is up until the license-plate number or vehicle-identity number (VIN) is up.
Q. You probably get all this time, but what kind of license plate is this?
– Mark Porterfield, Laguna Beach
A. Over the last few years, Honk has covered more land than long fescue, mark, but he does not remember while answering the question.
Mark was popped on a picture of a plate seen in Los Angeles’ parking. It shows a red “A,” a two -digit number and then a small “R1”.
A indicated that the vehicle owner has been in the state assembly, R
To some extent, similar plates are also available to the state’s senators and members of the US Congress.
“Retired plates can be issued to several former or retired (state legislature) members for the same district,” said Ronald Ongtoboca DMV spokesperson. “Legislative plates are not issued to retired members of the American House or Senate.”
If you qualify, then such plates can be fun, but the perk is not independent. Under the vehicle code, an additional $ 53 for registration and then an additional $ 43 each year.
Honkin ‘Dashakams: Honak’s colleague is writing a story about Dashakams. Do you have one in your car or truck, or do you have a gopro or similar device on your motorcycle helmet? Will you talk to the reporter? If yes, please leave an email Honk.
Honkey’s facts: There were 884,884 passengers passing through John Wayne Airport in January, about 1% more than that month in 2023. South -West Airlines was a clear leader with 280,796, while American Airlines, 149,607, and 135,022 with United Airlines, followed by.
To ask onk questions, reach it [email protected]He only responds to those who are published. To see online: ocregister.com/tag/honk. Twitter: @Ocregisterhonk