LA County deserves a smarter brand of justice – Daily News

Justice is an overrouud goal of the criminal justice system, whether you are suffering, a defendant, members of the public, or law enforcement officer. Nevertheless, justice is often considered separate by each person. Justice is an ideal that we try in the legal system – equal access to courts, the opportunity to hear, appropriate treatment for all persons involved in court proceedings, and, most importantly that we seek the truth. As rave. Martin Luther King Jr. had said, “Anywhere injustice is a threat to justice everywhere … whoever directly affects it, he indirectly affects everyone.” This is especially true of the criminal justice system.

As the next elected La County District Attorney, I will make sure that justice is implemented impartially on the basis of case-case, in the beginning of a case, granting bail at the beginning of a case through punishment and action after punishment. I will cancel the blanket policies that deprive the victims and the defendants of personal justice. Instead, I will follow the law written. I will not choose the laws selectively and in doing so I will implement the law incorrectly. I will make sure that both crime victims and defendants are treated respectfully in each case. Under my administration, the victims will no longer face faults and ridicule for chasing justice, and criminals will no longer give meaningful results for their actions.

In addition, I will seek appropriate reforms so that the drug-aid, mentally ill, and homeless members of our communities need to pursue effective treatment and do not remain under tarp and tents on the streets. To allow to live in these conditions to allow many of the most marginalized angles, it is inhumanly inhumane and does not represent justice for them or for communities where they reside. We should decide collectively to prevent the crisis of staying on the streets and its consequences for residents, families and businesses in Los Angeles County.

As a sub -district attorney for 26 years, I tried over 100 cases before a jury and worked for every elected district attorney from Ira Rainer to Jackie Lacey.

As a judge of the La County Superior Court for the last 7 years, I have developed a balanced understanding of criminal justice system after working in a variety of courts.

Recently, I have worked with children’s dependence in court, working with children and families, affected by foster care systems, homeless, domestic misconduct and more. This assignment has clarified the intimate relationship between the criminal justice system and the weakest children of La County.

Any other candidate in this race cannot match my background, professional experience and commitment to justice, which is why I am the most qualified candidate to become the next district attorney of Los Angeles County.

Debra Arculeta is a candidate for District Attorney of Los Angeles

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