By Terry Vermuline Keith
Van Nuys- The gamblers consulted for the second day on Friday in the murder of Rebecca Grosman, co-founder of Grossman Burn Foundation, who was accused in the 2020 accident in Westlake village, killing two young brothers.
Judge Joseph Brandolino, a judge of the superior court, on Thursday submitted a case after a day after arguing the gamblers-a refuting argument in which the Deputy District Attorney Ryan Gold had urged the nine-man, three-women panels to “Had the 11-year-old Mark Iskander and his 8-year-old brother, Jackb’s death”.
The 60-year-old Grosman has been accused with gross negligence with two counts with murder and killing of vehicles and counting a hooliganism of hit-and-run driving, resulting in a resulting in the crash on September 29, 2020.
If they acquit the killing of vehicles with gross negligence, the gamblers also considered low allegations of vehicles with simple negligence.
The jury spent more than 4 1/2 hours in the discussion before going home for the day on Thursday. Before leaving, he requested several test witnesses to listen to a read-back of testimony, including two eyewitnesses. The Attorney and Judge were still discussing what testimony, if any, would be read back to the panel.
Meanwhile, the jury deliberately resumed at around 9:15 am on Friday.
In his closing argument on Wednesday, lead defense attorney Tony Buzbi asked the gamblers why he did not hear Los Angeles Dozers Pitcher Scott Erich during the trial, which Defense was running a Black Mercedes-Benz SUV, who killed the first two boys.
But Deputy District Attorney Jamie Castro told the gamblers that while the person described by the prosecution at that time as a person described by the prosecution at that time was “absolutely careless”, “there is not a piece of evidence that he hit them, not a chopped.”
Deputy District Attorney Ryan Gold told the gamblers that Raksha had the right to bring people to court, making the Grosman’s lawyer quickly objected that defense was not able to do so. “
Gold also insisted that there was no evidence to support the claim of defense that Erich’s black SUV first hit the children, and the prosecutor called it a “ridiculous theory”.
The prosecutor stated that the Grosman killed the children as they were in a marked crosswalk and was “duty to stop”, but “never returned” in the scene. He said the debris matched the accident with Grosman’s White Mercedes-Benz SUV.
Deputy District Attorney stated that the Grosman was “driving very fast,” “Knowing that the speed hit” and “spoiled”.
According to the prosecutor, the Grosman lied about how many alcoholic beverages consumed, who admitted that the deputy deputy of Los Angeles County Sheriff performed a field Sobri test on Grosman, “made mistakes.”
The prosecutor questioned whether it would be worse whether the woman decided to speed, saying that she was “flooring.”
The prosecution says that a few seconds before the Grosman’s effect, the area of 45 mph was moving at an speed of 81 mph, and the so -called black box data of the vehicle shows that it was running at a speed of 73 mph at the time of the accident.
In his closing argument on Wednesday, Castro told the jury that the Grosman “continued to drive as his car” before cutting the engine of the vehicle about one-third of the vehicle about one-third away “.
The Grosman’s head Attorney, in his closing argument, told the gamblers that the Grosman was traveling at a speed of 54 mph, “and she did not know why her airbags had deployed. He said that the vehicle stopped after the collision, and he disputed the dispute of the prosecution that he was spoiled and fled to the incident.
Buzbee alleged that the officials failed to investigate the accident properly and determined who actually killed the boys.
He called the case a “crowd for the verdict”, saying that he “blinded his own,” and did not believe that someone else could be responsible for the accident.
“Where is Scott Ericheson?” Where is the man? Buzbi said in his first references to Ericson during his closing argument.
He told the gamblers that “Ericson first killed the children,” and questioned why the prosecution did not call the pre-basball player during the case.
The defense counsel said “You cannot keep me away from this courtyard” if someone was accusing him to clear his name.
He urged the gamblers to acquit all the allegations, saying that the prosecution had brought a murder case, but could not prove what happened to the night of the accident.
“I think we have now seen that he is not guilty of anything,” Buzbi told the panel.
Grosman is free on $ 2 million bonds. If he is convicted as accused, he can face up to 34 years in the state jail.