Getting medical aid during an active shooting position can quickly save life, but it is not always possible.
This is why two depots in the Hawk County Sheriff Office are now certified as Medics. Hoke is the only county in the county state with double certified depots.
Li Black and Maria Navotniaq were both certified Medics who trained to become a depot of Hawk County.
“There are different things that we can help,” Navotniaq said. “If there is some high-stress in the form of a shoot, and there is no way that we can reach there, secure the scene and take care of the patient, those second matters.”
Nawotniak and Black’s patrol vehicles are equipped with all equipment for law enforcement, but also have medical supply to help save life.
“Now, [we are] Working with Sheriff and proceeding with this program, ”Black said. “We are going to combine all that and we are able to do under the same umbrella.”
Li Black (left) and Maria Navotniaq (right) were both certified medics who trained to become a depot of Hawk County.
Before Hoke County Sheriff became, there was a rhoderic virgil and still a flight drug. He knows that an active shooter scene should be secured by law enforcement before medics can go for help.
Virjil said, “With the dual-added personnel, we are able to go in and take care and take care under the fire,” Virjil said. “And then, we can empty accordingly.”
During the shooting of 14 February, the shooting was ending as a super bowl festival of the heads of Canus City, only one person died when a shooting took place. Medix quickly responded to the scene.
However, it does not need to be an active shooter. A car accident will receive the benefits of trained depots in the form of medics from a person or a heart attack.
“This is very large because the standards states that if you have an early defibing within four minutes, you are more likely to do much better with care,” said Scott Philips, director of the County EMS. “And so, they are going there within two to three minutes, our chances of existence to start are greatly increased.”
Li Black (left) and Maria Navotniaq (right) were both certified medics who trained to become a depot of Hawk County.
Black and Navotniaq said they hope they will never have to use training.
Deputies are certified EMTs, but Virjil said that he has applied to certify the state as advanced emergency medical technicians. He expects that certification till 1 April.