Western High debate teacher accused of ordering $16K in catering and not paying bill – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports

Devi, Fla. ,

Dario camera, an English teacher and speech and director of the debate club, was arrested on Friday morning at Western High School in Davi.

7news cameras took the camera to Browd County Jail.

According to police, the camera ordered a meal of more than $ 16,000 from Robert in northern Miami, but failed to pay for any challan.

The company’s lawyer Peter Sitaras said that the first of the three orders in 2022 was.

“He was a gentle man named Dario Camera, and he is a debate teacher at Western High. He said that in October 2022, ‘Oh, we need catering services for this debate tournament,’ Sitaras said.

In addition to facing criminal allegations, the company is being sued on the camera. According to the case filed by the company, the camera contracted the company to complete several debate incidents.

On an invoice on 22 October, the company gave the school 510 boxing lunch, a total of $ 5,695.97.

Sitaras said the company was never paid for this.

“Then, in April, he had two more catering programs, so the same deal. He said, “You know,” One more incident, please complete it, we will pay you, just bill it to Florida Forensic League, “Sitars said.

The camera Florida is the vice -president of the operation for the Forensic League.

He asked for two more incidents in April for catering.

A second challan dated in April 2023 shows an order of ripe zeety meatball and garlic rolls, which was a total of $ 5,250.

The next day, the camera gave another order of the Daily Sandwich, including a total of $ 5,250.

Sitaras said that the company has not been paid to any of these incidents, which has been taken to all food to Western High School for events.

“Those three catering events, the bill adds up to $ 16,000. We asked for payment; The payment has not been made, “Sitaras said.

According to the email of the trial, the camera told the representative of a company in May 2023 that he was “tracking the payment because we think we mail it or handed it back to someone.

A few months later, Camera sent another email, stating, “Make me some phone calls this morning and go back to you.”

The lawyer said that the company’s case came after several occasions to receive payments.

“We demanded after the demand, and then we finally filed a suit. This is a simple violation of the contract case. He is allegedly arrested, “Sitaras said.

The catering company refused to comment for the story, citing the pending trial.

But the question is whether the teacher was authorized to order food and who gave him the authority. The school was allegedly involved in the school.

The camera faces several allegations, including plans for grand theft and reforting. He lives in Browd County Jail on a $ 10,500 bond.

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