South Carolina Republican primary updates and results

Meg Kinnard and Will WearT, by Associated Press

Charlston, SC (AP)-Former President Donald Trump wants to win his fourth direct primary state on Nikki Haley in South Carolina on Saturday, which aims to hand over a home-state embarrassment to his last major rival for Republican nomination.

Trump moved with a former rival in the race, including Sen Tim Scott, with a huge polling lead in Saturday’s primary and support of the state’s top Republican. Haley, who served as the United Nations Ambassador under Trump, spent the weeks cruscrising the state, warning his governor twice that the major front-raner, who is 77 years old and faces four prosecution, is very old and is distracted to become President again.

Since 1980, all have become candidates for the Republican winning party in South Carolina, since 1980. But Haley vowed repeatedly to move forward whether she loses her home state, even Trump has placed himself for rematch a possible general election against Biden.

As Haley voted at her polling place on the private residential community Kiawa Island, where she lives, she said that she faced the day with “great gratitude”. Haley suppressed her argument that she is the option of Trump and Democratic President who is the option of “two most dislikes in the US” in Biden.

“There is an option,” Haley said while speaking with her children and mother. “We can quit drama and chaos, and we can leave disability, and we can do something that is normal.”

Trump, who held a rally and addressed black conservators in a gala on Friday, was in Maryland for an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday before returning to South Carolina. His campaign issued a statement saying that Haley “was no longer living in reality.”

The campaign spokesman Steven Chewing said, “It is primarily ending today and it is time to turn to the general election.”

  • Republican Presidential candidate former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley helps her ...Republican Presidential candidate former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley helps her ...

    Republican Presidential candidate former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley helped her mother Raj Kaur Randhawa at the voting booth on Saturday, February 24, 2024 in Kiawa Island, SC (AP Photo/Chrlson) in the voting booth.

  • Former President Donald Trump spoke Republican Presidential candidate ...Former President Donald Trump spoke Republican Presidential candidate ...

    Former President Donald Trump, Republican President’s candidate, speaks of Oxon Hill, MD, Saturday, Conservative Political Action Conference on 24 February 2024 at National Harbor, CPAC 2024. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

  • Republican Presidential candidate former President Donald Trump comes on ...Republican Presidential candidate former President Donald Trump comes on ...

    Republican Presidential candidate former President Donald Trump arrived at the National Harbor, Oxon Hill, MD, Saturday, Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor on 24 February 2024, CPAC 2024. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

  • A resident comes out of his voting after voting ...A resident comes out of his voting after voting ...

    A resident case, SC, Saturday, Saturday, 24 February, 2024 at the New Bridge Academy goes out of their voting after voting on the morning of South Carolina Republican Primary. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

  • People vote on a polling in the morning ...People vote on a polling in the morning ...

    People vote in Case, SC, Saturday, Saturday, 24 February, 2024, in the United Methodist Church in a voting in the morning of South Carolina Republican Primary. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

  • Voters leave a voting center in the rest missionary baptist ...Voters leave a voting center in the rest missionary baptist ...

    Voters departed a voting center in Spartanburg on the Travellers Rest Missionary Baptist Church, Saturday, February 24, 2024, SC Republican Primary is being held in the state today. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

  • A voting sign is seen near the voting center ...A voting sign is seen near the voting center ...

    A voting mark is seen near a voting center at the Croft Baptist Church on Saturday, February 24, 2024 in Spartanburg, SC Republican Primary is being held in the state today. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

  • Republican Presidential candidate former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley spoke ...Republican Presidential candidate former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley spoke ...

    Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley spoke to the media after voting in Kiawa Island, SC (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) on Saturday, February 24, 2024.

  • Republican Presidential candidate comes for former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley ...Republican Presidential candidate comes for former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley ...

    Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley, former United Nations Ambassador to Voting to vote in Kiawa Island, SC (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) on Saturday, February 24, 2024 with his mother Raj Kaur Randhawa and family members.

  • Republican Presidential candidate former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley ...Republican Presidential candidate former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley ...

    Republican Presidential candidate former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley welcomed a supporter on Saturday, February 24, 2024 after voting in Kiawa Island, SC (AP Photo/Chris Carlson).

  • Republican Presidential candidate former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley Gesture ...Republican Presidential candidate former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley Gesture ...

    Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley indicates former United Nations Ambassador to South Carolina on Saturday after casting her vote in the primary of Republican President of South Carolina on Saturday, on 24 February, 2024, on Kiawa Island, SC painted on the right, Haley’s mother Raj Randhwa. (AP Photo/Meg Kinnard)

  • A resident runs in his voting after voting ...A resident runs in his voting after voting ...

    A resident case, SC, Saturday, Saturday, 24 February, 2024 at the New Bridge Academy, runs in its voting after the morning of South Carolina Republican Primary. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

  • A sign for voting appears outside the new bridge ...A sign for voting appears outside the new bridge ...

    Kyes, SC, Saturday, Saturday, 24 February, 2024, the morning of the South Carolina Republican Primary appears to be a sign for voting outside the New Bridge Academy. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

  • A resident comes out of his voting after voting ...A resident comes out of his voting after voting ...

    A resident case, SC, Saturday, Saturday, 24 February, 2024 at the New Bridge Academy goes out of their voting after voting on the morning of South Carolina Republican Primary. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Trump’s Backers, in which the first governor, supported Haley during his time, he believed that the former President would have a concrete victory on Saturday.

“When she was a governor, I supported her. He has done some good things, “36 -year -old Davis Paul said he was recently waiting for Trump at a rally in Conway. “But I don’t think he is ready to deal with a candidate like Trump. I don’t think many people can. ,

Trump has swept into the state for a handful of big rallies between funds and events in other states including Michigan, which holds its GOP primary on Tuesday.

He drew a huge crowd and campaigned with the village Henry McMaster, who made Haley and Scott successful, which was elevated in the Senate by Haley.

Speaking at Rock Hill on Friday, Trump accused Haley of being in the race to hurt her at the behest of the Democratic donors.

He said, “She is trying to do all, so we can win in November.” “We are not going to do this.”

In some of the rallies, Trump has made comments that assigned more fodder to Haley for their stump speeches, such as her husband – why her husband – did not campaign with her on the deployment of the National Guard of South Carolina Army for currently Africa. Haley turned the point into an argument that the front-raner does not respect Services and their families, a long-standing criticism that Trump has been followed to return to his late Sen John McCain, a prisoner in Vietnam to return to a prisoner’s suggestion, not a hero because he was captured because he was captured.

The same night, Trump said that he would encourage countries like Russia “whatever they want against the member countries of NATO, which failed to meet the defense spending goals of the Transatlantic Alliance. Haley is holding the moment as proof of the fact that Trump is very unstable and “weakening in the knees when coming to Russia.”

After one of Haley’s incidents, US Navy veteran Terry Sulivan, who lives in Hopkins, said he had planned to support Trump, but changed his views after hearing Haley’s criticism of NATO comments.

Sulivan said, “A country can say whatever you want, but when you have an agreement, among other countries, we should join the agreements of other nations, not only on our own,” Sulivan said. “After listening to Nikki, I think I am a supporter now.”

Haley has made an indirect appeal to the Democrats, who was sitting in a large number of his own president’s primary earlier this month, adding his stump speech to a line that “anyone could vote in this primary until he voted in February 3 Democrat Primary.”

Some of those voters are showing in his programs saying that although he plans to vote for Biden in the general election, he planned to cross the GOP Primary on Saturday as a way to oppose Trump on Saturday.

In any other campaign cycle, the loss of a home state can be harmful to a campaign. In 2016, Sen. Marco Rubio excluded Florida shortly after losing a blow in Trump, arguing that political winds would move to their favor when the campaign moved to their home state.

And Haley’s campaign cannot name a state in which he feels that it will be victorious over Trump.

But in a speech in Greenville last week, Haley said he will stay in the campaign “until the last person votes,” arguing that the people whose competition comes after the initial primary and Caucus, he was entitled to an option between the candidates.

Haley also used the speech – which many people believed that she was a declaration that she was shutting down her campaign – to argue that she feels “there was no need to kiss the ring,” as others had, possibly with Trump’s possibilities of serving as Trump’s running partner.

“I have no fear of Trump’s vengeance,” Haley repeated. “I am not seeing anything from him. My own political future is of zero worry. ,

Vesart reported from Washington. Associated Press Writer Jill Colvin contributed to this report in Colombia, South Carolina.

Meg Kinnard can be reached And can the vessel be reached

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